Titles Matching:  The Kaselehlie Press 2009 Jan. 7.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial President Mori declares a national emergency.
Serial Vice-President Alik pleaded to world leaders for immediate action to address adverse impacts of climate change.
Serial Island Food Community of Pohnpei trains new group of Let's Go Local High School Club members.
Serial High level dispute over "Transco" shares goes to FSM Supreme Court.
Serial President calls for emergency meeting in response to state of emergency declarations.
Serial Letter to the editor.
Serial COM-FSM graduates first six under UOG partnership program.
Serial FSM audit of Pohnpei public projects funds reveals problems.
Serial Kool-Aid/ramen...no water!?!.
Serial Already weak Pacific Islands media takes another hit.
Serial Pacific Foods and Services files for bankruptcy.
Serial GMP asks court to halt action on all infrastructure projects.
Serial Lusitana apartment fire leaves family homeless.

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