Titles Matching:  Children's songs.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Hand singing and other techniques. Richards, Mary Helen. MT935.R39 1966 IN
Book The itsy bitsy spider. Trapani, Iza. CRC PZ8.3.T686 lt 1996 IN
Sound Kids songs jubilee. Cassidy, Nancy.
Book Kids songs jubilee. Cassidy, Nancy. CRC M1990.C27 1990 IN
Book Pooh bouncy songs. CRC Pic.P66 1999 IN
Book Pooh songs. CRC Pic.P66 1995 OUT
Book Roots & branches : a legacy of multicultural music for children. M1992.R76 1994 IN
Book Sing a song of storytime. Dailey, Susan M. CRC Z718.2.U6D35 2007 IN
Computer Sing a song of storytime. Dailey, Susan M. CD ROM 0833 2007 IN
Book Sing 'n learn Japanese 1. introduce Japanese with favorite children's songs = Uta de naraŻo Nihongo. CRC PL523.S55 1988 IN
Book Sing 'n learn Japanese 2. more Japanese with favorite children's songs = Uta de naraŻo Nihongo. CRC PL523.S55 1999 IN
Book Sing 'n learn Vietnamese : introduce Vietnamese with favorite children's songs. Nguyen, Hop Thi. CRC PL4371.N4 1998 IN
Book Vicki Lansky's sing along as you ride along : 19 favorite songs for children. Lansky, Vicki CRC M1992.L29 1988 IN
Book Wee sing : nursery rhymes & lullabies. CRC M1997.W344 1985 IN

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