Call Number |
Title |
Author |
Status |
Pac.TD425.Y3O1 1980 |
Outline specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Caroline Islands, Yap district capital improvement program for sewer project at Yap island. |
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Pac.TD425.Y3O1 1980 |
Outline specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Caroline Islands, Yap district capital improvement program for sewer project at Yap island. |
IN |
Pac.TD425.Y3P74 1978 |
Pre-final project specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Caroline Islands, Yap district capital improvement program for road, water, sewer and electrical projects at Yap island. |
IN |
Pac.TD425.Y3P74 1978 |
Pre-final project specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Caroline Islands, Yap district capital improvement program for road, water, sewer and electrical projects at Yap island. |
IN |
Pac.TD425.Y3P74 1979 |
Project specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Caroline Islands, Yap district capital improvement program for airport and road projects on Yap island. |
IN |
Pac.TD425.Y3S64 1980 |
Specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Caroline Islands: Yap district capital improvement program for sewer project at Yap island. |
IN |
Pac.TD425.Y3W37 1995 |
Water supply and sewerage project : final report : volume 5 - Yap State. |
IN |