View previous page Call Number Search: Pac.QC981.8.C5A7 2002
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5H39 2000 Vulnerability & adaptation : evaluation and regional synthesis of national assessments of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Hay, John E. IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5H39 Climate change and sea level rise issues in the Federated States of Micronesia : report on a preparatory mission. Hay, John E. 1943- IN
Book Pac.QC981.8C5M354 1993 Implications of climate change and sea level rise for Tokelau : report of a preparatory mission. McLean, Roger. IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5M58 Sea level in the South Pacific. Mitchell, Chris IN
Book Pac.QC981.8C5N78 Implications of climate change and sea level rise for the kingdom of Tonga. Nunn, Patrick D., 1955- IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5P34 1997 Pacific Islands Climate Assistance Programme (PICCAP) : RAS/95/G32/A/IG/99. Pacific Islands Climate Assistance Programme (PICCAP). Regional Meeting of National Coordinators (1997 : Apia, Samoa) IN
Book Pac.QC981.8C5P72 Climate change and sea level rise issues in Guam : report on a preliminary mission. Prasad, Usha K. IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S4 2013 OverSize Learning about climate change the Pacific way : a visual guide : Samoa. Secretariat of the Pacific Community IN
Book Pac.QC981.8C5S43 Implications of climate change and sea level rise for Cook Islands : report of a preparatory mission. Sem, Graham. IN
Book Pac.QC981.8C5S45 Implications of climate change and sea level rise for the Republic of Palau : report of a preparatory mission. Sem, Graham. IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S3 1999 "Mice can roar" : small island states in international environmental policy. Shibuya, Eric Yoichi. IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S77 1999 Climate change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region : proceedings of the third SPREP Meeting, Noumea, New Caledonia, 18-22 August 1997. SPREP Meeting [on] Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (3rd : 1997 : Noumea, New Caledonia) IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5 S77 1999 Proceedings of the third SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region, Noumea, New Caledonia, 18-22 August 1997. SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (3rd : 1997 : Noumea, New Caledonia) IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S67 1992 Second SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region : Noumea, New Caledonia, 6-10 April 1992 : proceedings. SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (2nd : 1992 : Noumea, New Caledonia) IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S67 1992 Second SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region : Noumea, New Caledonia, 6-10 April 1992 : proceedings. SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (2nd : 1992 : Noumea, New Caledonia) IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S67 1992 c.3 Second SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region : Noumea, New Caledonia, 6-10 April 1992 : proceedings. SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (2nd : 1992 : Noumea, New Caledonia) IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S9 c.2 Surviving climate change in small islands - a guidebook. Tompkins, Emma L. [et al.] IN
Book Pac.QC981.8.C5S9 Surviving climate change in small islands - a guidebook. Tompkins, Emma L. [et al.] IN
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