Call Number Search: Pac.JQ6001.A1I85 1993
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.JQ6001.A1I85 1993 Managing government for excellence : the U.S., Asian & Pacific experience. Island Conference on Public Administration (13th : 1991 : Hagåtña, Guam) IN
Book Pac.JQ6001.A1I85 1993 Managing government for excellence : the U.S., Asian & Pacific experience. Island Conference on Public Administration (13th : 1991 : Hagåtña, Guam) IN
Book Pac.JQ6001.A1I85 1991 v.12 Managing growth and change in Guam, Micronesia and the Pacific : agenda for the 21st century. Island Conference on Public Administration (12th : 1991 : Hagåtña, Guam) IN
Book Pac.JQ6001.A1I85 1991 v.12 Managing growth and change in Guam, Micronesia and the Pacific : agenda for the 21st century. Island Conference on Public Administration (12th : 1991 : Hagåtña, Guam) IN
Book Pac.JQ6001.A1I85 1981 Waste and inefficiency in the government of Guam : the need for change and reforms : papers and proceedings. sland Conference on Public Administration (2nd : 1981 : Hagàtnà, Guam) IN

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