Call Number Search: Pac.P381.P3 2003 (C006) c.2
  Call Number Title Author Status
Serial Pac.P381.P3 2003 (C006) c.2 Endangered languages of the Pacific rim : studies of minority languages in the Western Pacific rim. IN
Serial Pac.P381.P3 2003 (C006) c.3 Endangered languages of the Pacific rim : studies of minority languages in the Western Pacific rim. IN
Serial Pac.P381.P3 2003 (C006) Endangered languages of the Pacific rim : studies of minority languages in the Western Pacific rim. IN
Serial Pac.P381.P3 2003 (C006) c.4 Endangered languages of the Pacific rim : studies of minority languages in the Western Pacific rim. IN
Book Pac.P381.P3L364 2017 Languages of the Pacific Islands : bIntroductory Readings. IN
Book Pac.P381.P3L364 2017 Languages of the Pacific Islands : bIntroductory Readings. IN
Book Pac.P381.P3L53 The Linguistic history of the Pacific area. IN
Book Pac.P381.P3L96 1998 Pacific languages : an introduction. Lynch, John. IN
Book Pac.P381.P3L96 1998 Pacific languages : an introduction. Lynch, John. IN
Book Pac.P381.P3L96 1998 Pacific languages : an introduction. Lynch, John. IN
Book Pac.P381.P3M837 1996 Linguistic ecology : language change and linguistic imperialism in the Pacific region. Mühlhäusler, Peter. IN

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