Call Number Search: FAO.HF5413.F66 2005
Call Number
FAO.HF5413.F66 2005
Guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries = Directives pour letiquetage ecologique du poisson et des produits des peches de capture marines = Directrices para el ecoetiquetado de pescado y productos pesqueros de la pesca de captura marina.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Committee on Fisheries. Session (26th : 2005 : Rome, Italy)
FAO.HF5413.F66 2011
Guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from inland capture fisheries.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Committee on Fisheries. Session (29th : 2011 : Rome, Italy)
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