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TITLE: Tricycle : the Buddhist review.
PUBLISHED: New York, NY : Buddhist Ray, Inc., 1991-
DESCRIPTION: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
NOTES: Why "Tricycle"?: The essential components of a tricycle-correspond to concepts found throughout Buddhist history. We speak of three treasures: the Buddha, dharma, sangha; of turning the wheel of dharma; and of the three great vehicles of Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. (And while there is no traditional concept that parallels handlebars, the Dalai Lama, on being presented with a small golden tricycle, took hold of each one and said, "the absolute and the relative.") What also influenced the name is the Zen expression "beginner's mind." It implies a mind tcorrespond to concepts found throughout Buddhist history. We speak of three treasures: the Buddha, dharma, sangha; of turning the wheel of dharma; and of the three great vehicles of Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. (And while there is no traditional concept that parallels handlebars, the Dalai Lama, on being presented with a small golden tricycle
NOTES: , took hold of each
NOTES: one and said, "the absolute and the relati
NOTES: ve.") What also influenced the name is the Zen expression "beginner's mind." It implies a mind that is open, available, not constrained by habitual mental patterns. --
NOTES: accessed 15Nov1999.Tricycle is a non-
NOTES: profit quarterly magazine with an educational charter to spread the dharma.Library has:v.23:3,4(2014:Spring,Summer);v.24:1-3(2014:Fall,Winter,Spring);v.24:4(2015:Summer);v.25:1,2(2015:Fall,Winter);v.25:2-4(2016:winter,Spring,Summer);v.26:1(2016:Fall);v.26:3(2017:Spring);v.27:1,2,
NOTES: (2017:Fall,Spring);v.27:3,4(2018:Spring,Summer);v.28:1,2(2018:Fall,Winter);v.28:3(2019:Spring);v.29:1-4(2019:Fall,Winter,Spring,Summer);v.30:1,2
NOTES: (2020:Fall,Winter);v.31:1-2(2021:Fall,Winter);v.31:3-4;v.32:3(2023:Spring); v.32:2(2022:Winter)
SUBJECT: Buddhism--Periodicals.

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