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TITLE: Biographical aspects of isolation in the Pacific / by Arthur Lyon Dahl
KEY TITLE: Ambio : a Journal of the human environment.
ADDED TITLE: Ambio : a Journal of the human environment.
AUTHOR: Dahl, Arthur Lyon
DESCRIPTION: 296-301 pp.: maps ; 30 cm.
NOTES: In: Ambio : a Journal of the human environment, vol.13:5-6, 1984.
NOTES: Life in the South Pacific depends on the interplay of many environmental factors such as distances islands, directions of prevailing winds and currents, and differences in island composition.The present biographical pattern, including and endemism unparalled elsewhere,....
NOTES: the dynamics which produced these ecosystems - colonization, extinction and isolated evolution -are now being disrupted by human influences.
SUBJECT: Environement--Oceania.
SUBJECT: Oceania.

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