Where am I wearing? : a global tour to the countries, factories, and people that make our clothes / Kelsey Timmerman. |
Timmerman, Kelsey, 1979- |
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2012. |
xv, 287 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. |
Rev. and updated. |
Includes bibliographical references. |
Prologue: We have it made -- A consumer goes global -- Tattoo's tropical paradise -- Fake blood, sweat, and tears : anti-sweatshop protestors -- Jingle these -- Undercover in the underwear biz -- Bangladesh amusement park -- Inside my first sweatshop -- Child labor in action -- Arifa, the garment worker -- Hope -- No black and white, only green -- (Update for revised edition) Hungry for choices -- Labor day -- Year zero -- Those who wear Levi's -- Those who make Levi's -- Blue jean machine -- Progress -- Treasure and trash -- (Update for revised edition) The faces of crisis -- PO'ed VP -- Life at the bottom -- Growing pains -- The real China -- On a budget -- An all-American Chinese Walmart -- The Chinese fantasy -- (Update for revised edition) Migration -- For richer, for poorer -- (Update for revised edition) Restarting, again -- Return to fantasy island -- Amilcar's journey -- An American dream -- Touron goes glocal -- Appendix A: Discussion questions -- Appendix B: Note to freshman me -- Appendix C: Where are you teaching? : a guide to taking Where am I wearing? to a glocal context. |
"A journalist travels the world to trace the origins of our clothesWhen journalist and traveler Kelsey Timmerman wanted to know where his clothes came from and who made them, he began a journey that would take him from Honduras to Bangladesh to Cambodia to China and back again. Where Am I Wearing? intimately describes the connection between impoverished garment workers' standards of living and the all-American material lifestyle. By introducing readers to the human element of globalization--the factory workers, their names, their families, and their way of life--Where Am I Wearing bridges the gap between global producers and consumers. New content includes: a visit to a fair trade Ethiopian shoe factory that is changing lives one job at time; updates on how workers worldwide have been squeezed by rising food costs and declining orders in the wake of the global financial crisis; and the author's search for the garment worker in Honduras who inspired the first edition of the book Kelsey Timmerman speaks and universities around the country and maintains a blog at www.whereamiwearing.com |
Clothing workers. |
Wages--Working workers |
Consumers |