Japanese fishery documents / translated by the staff of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. |
Translations: nos.34-43 |
Translation : no. 43. |
Honolulu, T.H. : Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior, 1949. |
variable paging ; 28 cm. |
Copy 2 is entitled "Trust Territory Fisheries translations"; "List of translations reproduced for distribution from September 1 to December 31, 1949", and published in 1950. (Translation no. 43). |
"Translated and edited by W. G. Campen and B. M. Shimada". |
CONTENTS: Translation nos. : --34. Four papers on the morphometry and age of tropical tunas by Kenzo Ikebe.--35. Three papers on the stocks of tunas in Japanese waters by Morisaburo Tauchi.--36. On the order pleicostei established by Dr. Kishinouye by Nisuke Takahashi--37. Growth curves of blue-fin tuna and yellow-fin tuna based on the catches near Shigedera on the West Coast of the Province of Izu by Kinoduke Kimura.--38. On the structure of the poison spines of the aigo (teuthis) (Syn. siganus) (fuscescens) by Ikusaku Amemiya.--39. 1934 report of an investigation of poisonous fishes within the jurisdiction of the Saipan branch of the government-general by Takashi Yasukawa.--40. On the physiological action of balloonfish poison by Yasuo Suehiro.--41. Cases of poisoning by the reef fish Lutjanus Vaigiensis by Masao Watanabe.--44. On the estimation of favorable temperature for long-line fishing of tunny by Michitaka Uda.--45. A note on the fisheries condition of "katuo" as a function of several oceanic factors by Michitaka Uda.--46. The time and duration of angling and the catch of "Katsuo", Euthynnus Vagans (Lesson) by Michitaka Uda.--47. Tuna ans spearfishes by Hiroshi Nakamura.--48. Report of tuna investigations by the Wakayama Prefecture research vessel, Kiyo Maru, in the Timor, Arafura, and Banda Seas by Kenzo Ikebe.--49. A critical examination of a method of finding the apparent survival rate by using the maximum and mean values of the age, body weight, and body length by Morisaburo Tauchi.--50. The catch of Tunny, Thunnus Orientalis (T. and S.), off Kushiro, Hokkaido, in relation to the vertical difference in water temperature by Takashi Kawana.--51. The body-temperature and the bodily features of "Katsuo" and "Sanma" by Michitaka Uda.52. On the weight composition of skipjack schools in the northeastern sea area by Gorozo Okamoto. |
von Campen, W. G. |
Shimada, B. M. |
List of translations reproduced for distribution from September 1 to December 31, 1949. |