View previous page View next page Title Search: The U.S. military intervention in Panama: Operation Just Cause, December 1989-January 1990
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The U.S. military intervention in Panama: Operation Just Cause, December 1989-January 1990 Yates, Lawrence A., 1945- Gov.D114.2:P 19/6 IN
Book The U.S. military intervention in Panama : origins, planning, and crisis management, June 1987-December 1989 Yates, Lawrence A., 1945- Gov.D114.2:P19/4 IN
Book U.S. naval logistics in the second world war Ballantine, Duncan S., 1912- Pac.D773.B34 1998 IN
Book U.S. Naval War College illustrated history and guide Gov.D 208.202:N 22 IN
Book U.S. Naval War College, Japan, and the old enemy in the Pacific, 1945-1946 Friedman, Hal M., 1965- Pac.V245.F75 2013 IN
Book U.S. Naval War College, the lessons of World War Two, and future naval warfare Friedman, Hal M., 1965- Gov.D 208.210:17 IN
Book U.S. Naval War College, the Soviet Union, and the new enemy in the Pacific Friedman, Hal M., 1965- Pac.V420.F748 2017 IN
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Book U.S. Navy fleet problems, 1923-1940 Nofi, Albert A. Gov.D 208.210:18 IN
Serial U. S. news & world report. Per.JK1.U65 IN
Computer U.S. nuclear policy in the 21st century Joseph, Robert G.
Serial U.S. Pacific Islands celebrate 30 years of fisheries management
Serial U.S. Pacific Islands celebrate 30 years of fisheries management / In: Pacific magazine v.32:3:213 May-June 2007
 2 U.S. Pacific Islands Economic Development Commission : an American fisheries opportunity for U.S. Pacific island people
Serial U.S. Pacific Islands offshore fisheries to be managed as archipelagic ecosystems
Book U.S. policy and strategic interests in the Western Pacific Wu, Yuan-li. Pac.DS33.4.U6W8 1975 IN
Serial U.S. re-engagement in the global effort to fight climate change.
Computer U.S. renal data system Gov.HE20.3325:999/CD IN
Computer U.S. renal data system ... annual data report, researcher's guide, reference tables, ADR slides Gov.HE20.3325:999/CD IN
Book The U.S. role in the Pacific community : an address Rogers, William P. (William Pierce), 1913-2001. Pac.DS33.4.U6R6 1969 IN
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Mixed U.S.S. Mississinewa, AO-59 Fulleman, Bob [et al.] VerF 0759 Pac. IN
Serial U.S. ship Mercy to visit Micronesia.
Mixed U.S. strategy in the Western Pacific and the Micronesia dilemma Mihaly, Eugene B. VerF 0053.70 Pac IN
Book U.S.-Taliban secret oil diplomacy and the failed hunt for Bin Laden Brisard, Jean-Charles. E183.8.A3B74 2002 IN
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