View previous page View next page Title Search: Rapid assessment on damaged taro and other crops
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Rapid assessment on damaged taro and other crops Javier, Flordeliza B. Pac.S542.M5J32 1999 IN
 2 Rapid biodiversity assessment of upland Savai'i, Samoa
Language A rapid ecological assessment of the coral, rish, and seagrasses of Pohnpei, Ahnd, and Pakin, Federated States of Micronesia : findings and recommendations VerF 0881.2006 Pac. IN
Book Rapid growth of selected Asian economies : lessons and implications for agriculture and food security. FAO.P758 v.3 IN
Book Rapid guide for missions : analysing local institutions and livelihoods : guidelines Carloni, Alice Stewart. FAO.HN49.C6C37 2005 IN
Book The rapids/ Neggers, Carla. PB NEG 2004 OUT
Mixed Trapping of fine sediment in a semi-enclosed bay, Palau, Micronesia VerF.1162 Pac. IN
 2 Rapport
 2 Rapport D'activite du centre
Serial Rapport de et documents presentes a l'atelier regional sur le renforcement du reseau pour lacces a l'information sur la peche et l'aquaculture en Afrique Regional Workshop on Networking for Improved Access to Fisheries and Aquaculture Information in Africa (2003 : Grahamstown, South Africa) FAO.SH331.F2 IN
Serial Rapport de la Confaerence du Pacifique Sud South Pacific Conference. Pac.DU1.S69 1996 IN
Serial Rapport de la dix-septieme session du Comite des peches pour l 'Atlantique Centre-Est, Dakar, Senegal, 24-27 mai 2004 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic. Session (17th : 2004 : Dakar, Senegal) FAO.SH331.F2 IN
Book Rapport de la dixieme session du Sous-comite pour le lac Tanganyika Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika (2003 : Lusaka, Zambia) FAO.SH331.F2 IN
Book Rapport de la onzie?me session du Sous-comite? du Commerce du Poisson, Bre?me, Allemagne, 2-6 Juin 2008 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. Session (11th : 2008 : Bremen, Germany) FAO.SH331.F2 2008 no.872 IN
Serial Rapport de la quatriÆUe consultation intergouvernementale sur la cr’¥Ltion d'une commission des pÆÐhes pour le sud-ouest de l'Oc’¥Ln Indien Intergovernmental Consultation on the Establishment of a Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (4th : 2004 : Mah’¥O Seychelles) FAO.SH331.F2 IN
Book Rapport de la quatrie`me session du Groupe Scientifique Consultatif Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. Scientific Advisory Group. Session (4th : 2007 : Merida, Mexico) FAO.SH331.F2 2007 no.842 IN
Serial Rapport de la septieme session du Comite scientifique consultatif General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Scientific Advisory Committee. Meeting (7th : 2004 : Rome, Italy) FAO.SH33.F2 IN
Serial Rapport de la session extraordinaire General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Meeting (2004 : St. Julians, Malta) FAO.SH331.F2 IN
Book Rapport de la treizie?me session de la Commission et de la dixie?me session du Comite? du de?veloppement et de l'ame?nagement des pe?ches dans les Petites Antilles Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. Session (13th : 2008 : Cartagena, Colombia) FAO.SH331.F2 2009 no. 905 IN
Book Rapport de la troisie?me session de la Commission des pe?ches pour le sud-ouest de l'oce?an Indien South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission. FAO.SH331.F2 no.898 IN
Book Rapport de la troisie?me session du Comite? scientifique South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission. Scientific Committee. Session (3rd : 2008 : Maputo, Mozambique) FAO.SH331.F2 no. 899 IN
Book Rapport de la troisie´me session du Sous-comite´ de láquaculture Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Committee on Fisheries. Sub-Committee on Aquaculture. Meeting. (3rd : 2006 : New Delhi, India) FAO.SH331.F2 2007 no.816 IN
Book Rapport de la troisieme session du Sous-comite scientifique, Lome, Togo, 24-26 fevrier 2004 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic. Scientific Sub-Committee. Session (3rd : 2004 : Lome, Togo) FAO.SH331.F2 IN
Serial Rapport de la vingt et unieme Conference du Pacifique Sud South Pacific Conference (21st : 1981 : Port Vila, Vanuatu) Pac.Per.DU1.S69 1981 IN
Serial Rapport de l'annee South Pacific Commission. Pac. Per.DU1 .S584 1996 IN
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