View previous page View next page Title Search: Encyclopedic dictionary of procurement law.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Encyclopedic dictionary of procurement law. Keyes, W. Noel Pac.KF847.5.K49 1987 IN
Book An encyclopedic dictionary of women in early American films, 1895-1930 Lowe, Denise. Ref.PN1998.2.L686 2005 IN
Video Encylopaedia galactica, MITC VC 407 IN
Book End of an era : the last days of traditional southern culture as seen through the eyes of a young confederate soldier Wise, John S. (John Sergeant), 1846-1913. E605.W75 2005 IN
Book The end of bureaucracy & the rise of the intelligent organization Pinchot, Gifford. HD38.4.P56 1993 IN
Book The end of food Roberts, Paul, 1961 Aug. HD9000.5.R54 2009 IN
Video The end of isolation MITC VC 318 IN
Book The end of Japan Inc. : and how the new Japan will look Wood, Christopher. HC462.95.W66 1994 IN
Book End of Japan incorporated. Wood, Christopher. HC462.95.W66 1994 IN
Book The end of liberalism : the second republic of the United States Lowi, Theodore J. HM276.L57 1979 IN
Book The end-of-life handbook : a campassionate guide to connecting with and caring for a dying love one Feldman, David B. Ref.R726.8.F33 2007 IN
Book The end of nomadism? : society, state, and the environment in Inner Asia Humphrey, Caroline. GN635.S64H85 1999 IN
Serial The end of regional assistance mission to Solomon islands (2003-17).
Book The end of the American era : U.S. foreign policy and the geopolitics of the twenty-first century Kupchan, Charles. JZ1480.K87 2002 IN
Book The end of the Soviet empire : the triumph of the nations Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène. DK288.C3713 1993 IN
Book End of year report for 2007. Metes, Walter R. Pac.DU780.P17 2007 IN
Book End-use energy efficiency and promotion of a sustainable energy future. Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on End-use Energy Efficiency towards Promotion of a Sustainable Energy Future (2002 : Bangkok, Thailand) Doc.TJ163.4.A78A34 2004 IN
Serial Endangered
Book Endangered animals Wexo, John Bonnett. CRC QL50.W39en 1990 IN
Serial The endangered birds of New Zealand
Serial Endangered, high carotene bananas of Micronesia: a viable, safe, natural remedy for vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in Oceania
Book Endangered languages of the Pacific Region Sakiyama, Osamu 1937- Pac.P40.45.P3S56 IN
 8 Endangered languages of the Pacific Rim
Serial Endangered languages of the Pacific rim : studies of minority languages in the Western Pacific rim Pac.P381.P3 2003 (C006) c.2 IN
 2 Endangered paradise
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