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Book Civil procedures of the South Pacific Corrin Care, Jennifer. Pac.KVC480.C37 1998 IN
Serial Civil rights at the United States Department of Agriculture : one year of change United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Civil Rights Implementation Team. Gov.A1.2:C49/6/998 IN
Book Civil rights challenges of the 21st century : a view from the states United States Commission on Civil Rights. Gov.CR 1.2:C 35/2 IN
Book Civil rights challenges of the twenty-first century : a view from the states United States Commission on Civil Rights. Gov.CR 1.2:C 35/2 IN
Book Civil Rights Division activities and programs. Gov.J1.2:C49/11/2002 IN
Serial Civil rights journal Gov.CR1.17: IN
Serial Civil rights journal (Washington, D.C.) Gov.CR1.17: IN
Book Civil service employees' handbook. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Personnel Office. Pac. JQ6451.A65B2 1965 IN
Serial Civil service handbook. Ref.JK716.C48 2005 IN
Book Civil service law New York (State) KFN5760.C48 2005 IN
Book Civil service law and related laws : being chapter seven of the Consolidated laws (as amended) together with Article V, section 6 of the state constitution and certain other provisions of laws relating to civil service New York (State) KFN5760.C48 2005 IN
Book A civil tongue. Newman, Edwin. PE2831.N46 1977 IN
Serial Civil (United States) administration of the Ryukyu Islands Ryukyu Islands (United States Civil Administration, 1969-1970). High Commissioner. Pac.J674.T3R88 1970 IN
Book The Civil W[a]r ends Bradley,Mark L. Gov. D114.2:C49/2/ENDS IN
 2 Civil War album : complete photographic history of the Civil War : Fort Sumter to Appomattox
Computer Civil war America's epic struggle CD ROM 0391 1995 IN
Book The civil war begins: opening clashes, 1861 Murray, Jennifer M. Gov. D114:2:C49 IN
Book The Civil war in the trans-mississippi theater, 1861-1865 Prushankin, Jeffery S. Gov. D114.2:C 49/3/TRANS IN
Book The Civil War in the West, 1863 Morris, Andrew N., author. Gov.D114.2:C 49/2/WEST IN
Book The Civil War in the Western Theater, 1862 Bowery, Charles R., author. Gov.D114.2:C49/2/WESTER/CORR IN
Computer The civil war on CD-ROM CD ROM 0376 1996 IN
Book Civil War on the Atlantic Coast Moore, R. Scott (Richard Scott), 1954- Gov.E191.M66 2015 IN
Book The Civil War on the Atlantic Coast 1861-1865 Moore, R. Scott (Richard Scott), 1954- Gov.E191.M66 2015 IN
Book The Civil War : the mystery of the Hunley Jerome, Kate Boehm CRC E468.J48 2002 IN
Book Civil works projects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Hawaii, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Territories of American Samoa and Guam Pac.TC424.H3W38 1987 IN
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