View previous page View next page Title Search: Director's report to the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Pacific Islands Conference
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Directory of nutrition workers and organisations in the Pacific = Repertoire oceanien des intervenants du secteur de la nutrition Pac.TX341.D574 1995 IN
Book Directory of nutrition workers and organizations in the Pacific = Repertoire oceanien des intervenants du secteur de la nutrition Pac.TX341.D574 1997 IN
Book Directory of organizations and organizational units co-ordinating or contributing to the co-ordination of the action plans related to the Regional Se Pac.GC10.D525 1993 IN
Book Directory of organizations co-operating with or contributing to action plans and global activities of the UNEP Oceans Programme = Rep'ertoire des organismes coope?rant et contribuant aux plans d'action et aux activite?s mondiales du Programme pour les Oce?ans du PNUE = Directorio de organizaciones que cooperan y contribuyen a los planes de accio'n y actividades mundiales del Programa del PNUMA sobre los Oceanos Eldredge, L. Pac.GC1015.2.E43 1990 IN
Book Directory of overseas schools, 1995-1996 Ref.LA222.I7 1995 IN
 3 Directory of Pacific professionals for educational improvement
Book Directory of personnel of United Nations Organizations in the South Pacific and the international monetary fund United Nations Development Program. Office of the Regional Representative for the South Pacific. Pac.CT120.U55 IN
Book Directory of plant genetic resources collections in the Pacific Island countries and territories Pac.QK981.7.D57 2004 IN
Book Directory of post secondary institutions : 4-year and 2-year. Broyles, Susan G. Gov.ED1.111/4:997/V.1 IN
Book Directory of principal governmental bodies dealing with the environment = Repertoire des principaux organismes gouvernmentaux s'occupant des questions d'environnement = Guia de los principales organismos gubernamentales que se ocupan del medio ambiente. Doc.HC79.E5D55 1993 IN
Serial Directory of public elementary and secondary education agencies. Gov.ED1.111/2:994-95 IN
Book Directory of rehabilitation related services in American Samoa, Guam and Micronesia Pac.HD7255.A2D54 1988 IN
Book Directory of rehabilitation related services in American Samoa, Guam and Micronesia, Hawaii and other Pacific-related areas Pac.HD7255.A2D54 1991 IN
Book Directory of selected marine science and technology education institutions in the Indo-Pacific
Book Directory of small businesses : environmental remediation services. Gov.SBA1.2:D62/5 IN
Book Directory of South Pacific Forum countries' products. Pac.HF4030.7.A48D5 IN
 2 Directory of SPC services.
Book Directory of special education personnel in Micronesia Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau: Community College of Micronesia Welle, Kangichy R. Pac.LC4040.M5W4 1985 IN
Serial The directory of the European Council of International Schools. European Council of International Schools. Ref.L900.E95a IN
Book Directory of training facilities in the South Pacific = Rep´ertoire des possibilite´s de formation dans le Pacifique Sud. Pac.LA991.A1D57 1979 IN
Book Directory of training facilities in the South Pacific = ReÞpertoire des possibilit†s de formation dans le Pacifique Sud Pac.L991.A1D57 v. 1 IN
Book Directory of United Nations information sources Doc. JX 1977.8 .D6D573 IN
Book A directory of wetlands in Oceania Scott, Derek A. Ref.QH87.3.O3S36 1993 IN
Book Directory of youth organizations, agencies and government youth contacts in the South Pacific Region Pac.HC681.S67 no.55 IN
Book Directory of youth organizations in the South Pacific Region Pac.HC681.S67 no.13 IN
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