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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Plumes from paradise : trade cycles in outer Southeast Asia and their impact on New Guinea and nearby islands until 1920 Swadling, Pamela. Ref.HD9429.F42N49 1996 IN
Book Plunder and restitution : the U.S. and Holocaust victims assets : findings and recommendations of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States and Staff report. United States. Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States. Gov.PR42.8:H74/AS7 IN
Book The plundered seas : can the world's fish be saved? Berrill, Michael. SH327.7.B47 1997 IN
Book Plural languages, plural cultures : communication, identity, and sociopolitical change in contemporary India Khubchandani, Lachman Mulchand. P40.45.I4K52 1983 IN
Book Plural words in Austronesian language : typology and history
Book A Pluralizing world in formation HM258.P74 IN
Book Plus beaux dessins français du XVe siècle à Géricault. French Vallery-Radot, Jean, 1890- NC1035.V33 1964 IN
Book Plutarch’s Moralia twenty and essays PA4274.A2P69 1603 OUT
Book Pluto Ring, Susan. CRC QB701.R56 2004 IN
Book Pluto (Dwarf planet) Weintraub, David A. (David Andrew), 1958- QB602.9.W43 2007 IN
Book PMB series Australian National University. Pacific Manuscripts Bureau. Pac.DU1.P21 1997 IN
Book PME 27. PME Conference (29th : 2003 : Melbourne, Australia) QA11.A1P94 2003 IN
Book PNCA. Pac.KWG1.9 1995 v.1 IN
Book PNCC Republic of Palau telephone directory. Pac.HE9671.Z8P37 2007 c. 1 IN
Book PNG, land, tenure, bibliog. McGrath, W. A. (William A.) Pac.Z7164.3M3 IN
Book PNG yearbook Pac.AY1730.P37P37 2005 IN
Book PNGFAR Pac.Per.DU740.A2P34 IN
Video PNI campus land lease signing MITC DVD 44 IN
Book Po Fananga = Folk tales of Tonga Fanua, Tupou Posesi Fanua. Pac.GR385.T6P67 IN
Book Poadepen Oceania Prout, Katherine.
Book Poadoapoad en Isokelekel. Pac PL6295.Z73P6 1955 IN
Book Poadoapoad en minimin en mwomwohdiso en Krais nan Pohnpei 1852-2002. Pac.BV3680.P7R64 2002 IN
Book Poadoapoad en mwomwohdiso kadolik en Pohnpei Hezel, Francis X. Pac.BV3679.C3.H46 IN
Book Poadoapoad en Nukuoro Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Ponape District. Pac.PL6485.Z77T715 IN
Book Poahsoan en kosonned en wein Kitti. Pac.K3157.A3P75 1985 c.5 IN
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