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  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial Social Security Administration, Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia (Federated States). Office of the Public Auditor. Pac.HD7250.45.Z8M52 IN
Book Social security programs throughout the world. Gov.SSA1.24/4:2006 IN
Book Social security progress report regarding statistics on recent employment trends : June 1971 Department of Transportation and Communications. ARC. Box 2008-106 IN
Book Social security progress report : statistics on recent employment trends June, 1971 Facey, J. Pac.HD7091.F33 1971 IN
Book Social security system. Pac.HD7091.F31 1992 IN
 2 Social Security System, Federated States of Micronesia.
Language Social security update. Pac.Per.HD7125.F43 IN
Book Social security : what every taxpayer should know Robertson, A. Haeworth, 1930- HD7125.R62 1992 IN
Serial Social service education in Micronesia
Video Social stratificaiton groups MITC DVD 1347 IN
Video Social stratification MITC VC 515 IN
Video Social stratification : cultural differences. MITC DVD 431 IN
Book Social stratification in Micronesia : the low-caste people of Yap Beauclair, Inez de Pac.GN669.Y3B3 IN
Book Social stratification in Polynesia Sahlins, Marshall David, 1930- Pac.DU510.S29 1967 IN
Book Social studies content standards : "kasukuhl en poahsonda pohn sapwelimen pehiwet wahu" CRC LB1584.S63 2001 IN
Book Social studies curriculum guide Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Truk District. Pac.LB1584.T74 1970 IN
Book The social studies curriculum: purposes, problems, and possibilities LB1584.S6373 2001 IN
 2 Social studies curriculum standards and benchmarks
Book Social studies : first environmental studies pla grade 1. Ponape District of Education. Pac.GE105.P66 1973 IN
 2 Social Studies for Pacific Islands.
Book Social studies for the elementary and middle grades : a constructivist approach Sunal, Cynthia S. LB1584.S88 2002 IN
Book Social studies for the Pacific Islands. Womack, Richard Pac.LB1584.5.P7W66 2020 IN
Book Social studies for the preschool-primary child Seefeldt, Carol. LB1530.S37 1993 IN
Book Social studies for the twenty-first century : methods and materials for teaching in the middle and secondary schools Zevin, Jack. H62.5.U5Z48 1991 IN
Book Social studies for Truk District. Pac.LB1584.M5P86 1958 IN
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