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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on growth, fruiting, and petiole composition of bearing papaya plants Awada, M. (Minoru) Pac.S667.P27A93 1986 IN
Book Effects of phosphate mining on the ground water of Angaur, Palau Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific islands U.S. Geological Survey. Pac.TC801.U582 IN
Book The effects of political modernization in Micronesia : the job of nation-building MacQuarrie, Alan M. Pac.JQ6240.M33 IN
Video Effects of sediment on coral reefs. UOG Marine Lab. MITC DVD 1400 IN
Book Effects of silicates on phosporous availability to Sudan grass grown in Hawaiia soils Suehisa, Robert H. Pac.S651.5.S84 1963 IN
Book Effects of surface-water diversion and ground-water withdrawal on streamflow and habitat, Punaluu Stream, Oahu, Hawaii Oki, Delwyn S. Pac.GB1225.H3O4 2006 IN
Book Effects of the 1998 drought on the freshwater lens in the Laura Area, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands Presley, Todd K. Pac.GB1193.M37P74 2005 IN
Book The effects of the drought and subsequent disasters on Kapingamarangi Hamnett, Michael P. Pac.QC929.D8H3 IN
Serial Effects of three maturation diets on spawning of the armored catfish (Corydoras aeneus)
Mixed Effects on muscle of venom from Jellyfish captures around the Truk Islands VerF 0149.86 Pac IN
Book Efficiency of soil and fertilizer phosphorus use : reconciling changing concepts of soil phosphorus behaviour with agronomic information Syers, John K. (John Keith) FAO.S592.6.P5S94 2008 IN
Book Effigy mounds. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:EF 4/2012 IN
Book Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:EF 4/2012 IN
Book Effort de pžche et prises des palangriers japonais (1962-77) et taiwanais (1967-77) Pac.SH351.T8S64 no.3 IN
Book Effort de péche et prises de bonite réalisées de 1972 é 1978 Pac.SH351.T8S64 no.2 IN
Book Effortless action : Wu-wei as conceptual metaphor and spiritual ideal in early China Slingerland, Edward G. (Edward Gilman) B126.S645 2003 IN
Serial Efforts to protect the world's last Terminalia carolinensis forest
Book Efii epeig eumw emweoi Yap (Micronesia). Education Enterprising Dept. Pac.PL6195.Y1e 1998 IN
Computer EFNEP activities MITC CD 63 IN
 11 EFNEP homemakers
Book EFSOS II FAO.HD9765.A2E87 2011 IN
Mixed Egalitarian strategies and hierarchical tactics Petersen, Glenn Pac.HM921.P47 1985 IN
Book Egg marketing : a guide for the production and sale of eggs. FAO.SF502.E54 2003 IN
Video Egg production MITC VC 894 C OUT
Book Eggplant VerF.037 Pac. IN
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