View previous page View next page Title Search: WW II wrecks of the Kwajalein and Truk Lagoons
  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial Yap challenges independence move.
Serial Yap Community Action Program : audit report. Micronesia (Federated States). Office of the Public Auditor. Pac. HN 940 .Y3 F34 1992-93 IN
Book Yap Community Action Program Grantwriting project : project undertaken for the Yap Community Action Program Mitagyow, Geraldine. Pac HG177.Y36.M57 1997 IN
Mixed The Yap controversy and its significance Rattan, Sumitra. Pac.DU568.Y3R312 IN
GRAPHIC Yap cultural day MITC CD 53 IN
Book Yap cultural heritage program. Pac.LC3740.M625 IN
Serial Yap day: cultural politics in the State of Yap
Book Yap Disctrict five-year health plan Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of Health Planning and Resources Development. Pac.RA558.T7T733 IN
Book Yap District 5-yr health plan Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of Health Planning and Resources Development. Pac.RA558.T7T733 IN
Mixed Yap District Act. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the District Administrator. Yap District.
Map Yap District Airport layout plan : Airport Layout Plan, PGP Project no. A-75-0008-01 TTPI YAP 3COMN00051826K IN
 4 Yap District Bilingual Education Project.
Book Yap district bilingual education project FY 1977/78. Pac.LC3715.Y2C66 1978 IN
Book Yap district bilingual project fiscal year 1976, Yap District. Pac.LC3740.Y5Y37 1976 IN
Book Yap district : brief description, aids, objectives, accomplishments fiscal year 1969 Pac.JQ6240.Y3Y1 1969 IN
 4 Yap District capital improvement program.
Book Yap district capital improvement program for airport and road projects on Yap island. Pac.TD425.Y3P74 1979 IN
Book Yap district capital improvement program for road, water, sewer and electrical projects projects at Yap island. Pac.TD425.Y3P74 1978 IN
 2 Yap district capital improvement program for sewer project at Yap Island.
Book Yap district capital improvement program for Ulithi dock at Falalop Island in the Ulithi Atoll. Pac.TH438.T78 1979 IN
Book Yap district capital improvement program for Woleai dock at Falalop Island in the Woleai Atoll. Pac.TH438.T78w 1979 IN
Book The Yap district code; recompiled 1974. Yap (Micronesia) Legislative Council. Pac.KH400.Y3 1974 IN
Book Yap district directives. Pac.KVS731.5.Y36Y1 1967 IN
Book Yap District emergency plan Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the District Administrator. Pac.HV555.5.M53P33 1977 IN
Book Yap district five year comprehensive health plan Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of Health Planning and Resources Development. Pac.RA558.T7T733 IN
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