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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Future of diving : one hundred years of Haldane and beyond Gov.SI 1.2:D 64 IN
Video The future of food MITC DVD 1249 A IN
Book The future of food and agriculture : trends and challenges.
Book The future of foreign language education at community colleges P57.U7F88 1992 IN
Book The future of freedom : illiberal democracy at home and abroad Zakaria, Fareed. JC423.Z35 2003 IN
Book The future of humanities education at community, technical, and junior colleges LB2365.H8F8 1986 IN
Book The future of imprisonment. Morris, Norval. HV8705 .M83 1974 IN
Book The future of international environmental law Doc.K3585.F88 2010 IN
Book The future of Islam and the west : clash of civilizations or peaceful coexistence Hunter, Shireen T. DS65.5.E8H86 1998 IN
Book The future of life Wilson, Edward O. QH75 .W535 2002 IN
Book The future of man Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. BD450.T413 1969 IN
Book The future of marine product exports from the South Pacific Philipson, P. W. Pac.HD9468.O32P45 1990 IN
Serial The future of Micronesia
Book The future of Micronesian migration to Guam : paper prepared for the XVII Pacific Science Congress, 27 May to 2 June, 1991 Rubinstein, Donald H., 1948- Pac.JV9290.R83 1991 IN
Book The future of our tropical rainforests McKisson, Micki. QH541.5.R27M23 1990 IN
Video Future of photogaphy MITC VC 1203 IN
Book The Future of population in Asia. HB3635.F88 2002 IN
Serial The future of Shimauta Pac.Per.Q1.A1O23 IN
Book The future of South Pacific regionalism Herr, R. A. (Richard A.) Pac. DU29.H468 1984 IN
Book Future of southern fisheries in the Pacific Pac.SH319.O3N36 1987 IN
Book The future of technology T173.8.F88 2005 IN
Book The future of the past : archaeology in the twenty-first century Zangger, Eberhard. CC165.Z1 2001 IN
Book The future of the professions : how technology will transform the work of human experts Susskind, Richard E., author. HD8038.Al S87 2015 IN
Book The future of the United Nations system : potential for the twenty-first century JZ4984.5.F88 1998 IN
Book The future of tourism in the Pacific and Far East : a report prepared by Checchiand Company under contract with the United States Department of Commerce and Co-sponsored by the Pacific Area Travel Association Clement, Harry G. Pac.G155.A1C45 IN
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