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  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial Federal acquisition regulations system Gov.AE2.106/3:48/ IN
Book Federal air quality research 1998-2000 Gov.C55.2:AI7/5 IN
Book The Federal Aviation Administration : a historical perspective, 1903-2008 Kraus, Theresa L. Gov.TD 4.2:H 62/3 IN
Video Federal depository library program, superintendent of documents MITC DVD 1229 IN
Book Federal disaster assistance : individual and family grant program Marshall Islands wave action disaster: audit report no.81-2 Pac.HV553.F43 IN
Book Federal Drug-Related Data Systems Inventory, etc. February 2003 Gov.PREX26.2:D26/3 IN
Serial Federal efforts to eradicate employment discrimination in state and local governments : an assessment of the U.S. Dept. of Justice's Employment Litigation Section. United States Commission on Civil Rights. Gov.CR1.2:D63/2 IN
Serial Federal elections Gov.AE 2.106/3:11/ IN
Serial Federal funding sources for rural areas. Gov.A17.29:75 IN
Book Federal hall. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:F 31/2021 IN
Book Federal Hall National Memorial, New York. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:F 31/2021 IN
Book The federal income taxes, the deficit, and other topics : observations and recommendations for a sound and humane economy Blumenfeld, Samuel G. HJ2351.B476B58 1993 IN
Book Federal libraries in Hawaii. Hawaii Library Association. Federal Libraries Section. Pac.Z675.G7H39 1980 IN
Book Federal money laundering cases : casses interpreting the Federal Money Laundering Statutes (18 U.S.C. [sec.] 1956, 197, and 1960) and Related Forfeiture Provisions (18 U.S.C. [sec.] 981 and 982). Gov.J1.2:L36/2003 IN
Serial Federal outlays in summary; a report of the Federal Government's impact by State, county, and large city, Fiscal year 1965 United States. Office of Economic Opportunity. Pac.HC110.P3U58 IN
Book [Federal postsecondary educational assistance programs for the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands, authorized under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HES)]/ Pac.LB2342.F45F383 1988 IN
Book Federal programs & foreign grants : FY 1992. Pac.HC681.5.F31 1992 IN
Book Federal programs & foreign grants FY 1993. Pac.HC681.5.F31 1993 IN
Book Federal programs & foreign grants FY 1997. Pac.HC681.5.F31 1996 IN
Book Federal programs & foreign grants : FY 1998. Pac.HC681.5.F31 1998 IN
Book Federal programs and postsecondary education in the U.S. territories : detailed substantive outline of the final report Urban Systems Research & Engineering, Inc. Pac.LB2328.U78 1982 IN
Book Federal programs and services agreement between the government of the United States and the government of the Federated States of Micronesia : concluded pursuant to Article III of title one...of the Compact of Free Association, as amended
Book Federal Programs Coordinating Office : Audit report no. 80-4 Pac.HF5667.6.M58T47 IN
Serial Federal protections against national origin discrimination. Gov.J1.2:D63/5/2001 IN
Book Federal records centers. United States. National Archives and Records Service. Office of Records Management.
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