View previous page View next page Title Search: Lake effect
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Land classification program proposal for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Sahara, Tamotsu. Pac.HD1129.M5S34 1967 IN
Book Land cover classification system : classification concepts and user manual : LCCS Di Gregorio, Antonio. FAO.HD108.D52 2005 IN
Book Land, culture & development in the acquatic continent: readings on land tenure in the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD1126.L23 1992 IN
Book Land, culture and development in the aquatic continent Cultural Values in the Age of Technology Conference/Workshop (2nd : 1992 : Kahului, Hawaii) Pac.HC681.C83 1992 IN
Book Land, culture & development in the aquatic continent : a workshop presented by Kapalua Pacific Center, May 26-29, 1992, Kapalua Bay Hotel Cultural Values in the Age of Technology Conference/Workshop (2nd : 1992 : Kahului, Hawaii) Pac.HC681.C83 1992 IN
Book Land custom and practice in the South Pacific Pac.HD1120.7 L36 1995 IN
Book Land degradation assessment and prevention : selected case studies from the ESCWA region Doc.GE160.M628L36 2007 IN
Book Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands - LADA Project : meeting report, 23-25 January 2002. FAO.S591.W857 IN
Mixed Land development : its environmental impact in Micronesia Cheatham, Norden
Book Land, food and fish : strategy and transaction on a Micronesian atoll Severance, C. Pac.GN671.C3S47 IN
Mixed Land for capital improvement program. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner.
 3 Land gazette.
Serial Land gazette, Pohnpei. Pac.Per.HD1129.P7P75 1972-74 IN
Serial Land gazette, Truk District. Pac.Per.HD1129.C58T78 IN
Mixed Land Grant Program Progress Report, FY 98-99 College of Micronesia-FSM ARC. Box 96 IN
Serial Land-grant programs merged.
Mixed Land Grants reports ARC. Box 81 IN
Mixed The land holding group on Mogmog Island, Ulithi Atoll : matri-lineage in viri-local society, Caroline Islands of Micronesia Ushijima, Iwao VerF 0076.85c Pac IN
Book The land I lost / by Huynh Quang Nhuong with pictures by Vo-Dinh Mai. By Nhuong, Huynh Quang CRC Juv.H89 1982 IN
Mixed Land in Micronesia Hezel, Francis X. VerF 0687.85 Pac. IN
Book Land in Micronesia and its resources : an annotated bibliography Pac.Z4501.B78 1970 IN
Book Land in Solomon Islands Pac.HD1129.S6L3 IN
Video Land: investing in our future MITC VC 834 c.2 IN
Mixed Land : is it time for a change in direction? Hezel, Francis X. VerF 0687.99 Pac. IN
Book Land is life : towards a just sharing of land : report and papers of an LWF consultation, Baguio City, the Philippines, April 1989 Pac.HD1131.L36 1990 IN
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