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Serial Advances in education research. Gov.ED1.317/4: IN
Book Advances in geographic information systems and remote sensing for fisheries and aquaculture : summary version FAO.SH1.F2 2013 no.552 IN
Serial Advances in marine biology. QH91.A1A22 2002 IN
Book Advances in sea cucumber aquaculture and management Gov.FAO SH1.F2 IN
Book Advances in the assessment and monitoring of salinization and status of biosaline agriculture : report of an expert consultation held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 26-29 November 2007. FAO.S591.W875 no. 104 IN
Book Advancing broadband : a foundation for strong rural communities. Gov.A 114.2:B 78/2 IN
Book Advancing college reading skills Langan, John. LB2395.3.L345 2010 IN
Serial Advancing reading achievement : becoming effective teachers of reading through collective study Collins, David (David W.) Gov.ED1.348/3:T22 IN
Video Adventure begins CRC VC 0082 1997 IN
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Book The adventure guide to Micronesia Booth, Thomas H. Pac.DU500.B55 1991 IN
Book Adventure guide to the South Pacific Booth, Thomas H. Pac.DU15.B66 1988 IN
Book Adventure hunt Bernthal, Mark. CRC Pic.B47 1998 OUT
Book An adventure in transcultural communication and health Pac.RC455.4.E8A3 1975 IN
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Book The adventure of Echo the bat Butcher, Ginger. CRC.PZ10.3.B9573Ad 2000 IN
Book The adventure of education : process philosophers on learning, teaching, and research LB7.A39 2009 IN
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Book Adventurer/explorer : daring deeds & unknown realms. G226.H83 L16 2012 IN
Book Adventurers afloat : a nautical bibliography : a comprehensive guide to books in English recounting the adventures of amateur sailors upon the waters of the world in yachts, boats, and other devices and including works on the arts and sciences of cruising, racing, seamanship, navigation, design, building, etc. from the earliest writings through 1986 Toy, Ernest W., 1925- Ref.Z7514.B6T69 1988 IN
Book Adventures in a TV nation Moore, Michael, 1954 Apr. 23- PN1992.77.T85M66 1998 IN
Book Adventures in anthropology on a tropical island Ward, Martha Coonfield. Pac.GN669.W37 2005 IN
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