View previous page View next page Title Search: UNEP news
  Title Author Call Number Status
Video The United Nations a look into the future. MITC VC 836 IN
Book The United Nations and decolonization : highlights of thirty years of United Nations efforts on behalf of colonial countries and people Pac.JV151.U55 1977 IN
Book The United Nations and world peace JX1952.U54S57 1990 IN
Book United Nations approval of the termination of the trusteeship for the Pacific Islands Beckman, Robert Pac.JX4084.T7B45 IN
Book The United Nations at work KZ4984.5.U3 1998 IN
Book United Nations Center for Housing, Building & Planning. Trust Territory Low-Cost Housing Conference (1st: 1971 : Ponape, Micronesia (Federated States). Pac.HD7388.T7T7 1971 IN
Book United Nations charter. Ref.JX1977.C368 1994. IN
 4 United Nations chronicle
Serial United Nations climate change bulletin Doc.QC879.8.C53U55 IN
Book United Nations Conference Environment and Development Federated States of Micronesia. Presidential Task Force on Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. Pac.HC79.E5U54 1991 IN
 3 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Serial United Nations Conference on Trade and Development commodity yearbook Doc.HF1040.Y42 IN
Serial United Nations Conference on Trade and Development handbook of statistics Doc.HF1016.U64 IN
Book United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) Doc.JX4421.A34 1994 IN
Book United Nations correspondence manual : a guide to the drafting processing, and dispatch of official United Nations communications United Nations. Dept. of General Assembly Affairs Conference Services. Doc.JZ4970.U55 2000 IN
Book United Nations Development Agenda : development for all : goals, commitments and strategies agreed at the United Nations world conferences and summits since 1990. Doc.HC60.U55 2007 IN
Book United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the Pacific Region 2013-2017 Pac.HC935.U549 IN
Serial United Nations Development Programme news United Nations Development Programme. Doc.HC59.8.U54 OUT
Serial The United Nations disarmament yearbook. Doc.JX1974.U546 IN
Serial United Nations documents checklist. Doc.Z6481.U19 IN
Serial United Nations documents index. Doc.Z6481.U19 IN
Book United Nations documents related to disaster reduction Doc.ISDR/2003/5 IN
Book United Nations draft declaration on the rights of the indigenous peoples. Inaugural Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific Workshop on the United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples (1996 : Suva, Fiji). Pac.HV3176.I53 1997 IN
Book United Nations e-government survey 2008 : from e-government to connected governance Doc.JF1525.A8U55 2008 IN
Book United Nations e-government survey 2010 : leveraging e-government at a time of financial and economic crisis Doc.JF1525.A8U55 2010 IN
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