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Book Western Samoa's economic development programme, 1966-1970. Western Samoa. Department of Economic Development. Pac.HC687.S3W4 1966 IN
Video The western tradition--1. The dawn of history; 2. The ansian egyptian MITC VC 1030 A IN
Video The western tradition--Program 3. Mesopotamia; Program 4: From Bronze to iron MITC VC 1030 B IN
Video The western tradition--Program 5: The rise of Greek civilization; Program 6: Greek thought MITC VC 1030 C IN
Video The western tradition--Program 7: Alexander the great; Program 8: The helenistic age MITC VC 1030 D IN
Video The western tradition-- Program 9: The rise of Rome; Program 10: The Roman empire MITC VC 1030 E IN
Video The western tradition-- Program 11: Early christianity; Program 12: The rise of the church MITC VC 1030 F IN
Video The western tradition-- Program 13: The decline of Rome; Program 14: The fall of Rome MITC VC 1030 G IN
Video The western tradition-- Program 15: The Byzantine empire; Program 16: The fall of Byzantium MITC VC 1030 H IN
Video The western tradition--Program 17: The dark ages; Program 18: The age of charlemagne MITC VC 1030 I IN
Video The western tradition--Program 19: The middle ages; Program 20: The feudal order. MITC VC 1030 J IN
Video The western tradition--Program 21: Common life in mid.ages; Program 22: cities & cathedrals of the middle ages MITC VC 1030 K IN
Video The western tradition--Program 23: The late middle ages; Program 24: The national monarchies MITC VC 1030 L IN
Video The western tradition--Program 25: The renaissance and the age of discovery ; Program 26: The renaissance and the new world MITC VC 1030 M IN
Video The western tradition--Program 27: The reformation; Program 28: The rise of the middle class MITC VC 1030 N IN
Video The western tradition--Program 31: The age of absolutism; Program 32: Absolutism & the social contract MITC VC 1030 P IN
Video The western tradition--Program 47: The first world war and the rise of facism; Program 48: The second world war. MITC VC 1030 X IN
Video The western tradition--Program 51: The technological revolution ; Program 52: Toward the future MITC VC 1030 Z IN
Computer The western way of war : a course examining the development and role of warfare in the West, including a look at the future of war
Book The Western way of war : infantry battle in classical Greece Hanson, Victor Davis. U33.H36 1989 IN
Book The Westernization of Truk : a backward glance Hezel, Francis X. Pac.DU568.T7H43 IN
Book Westward Ho! Kingsley, Charles.
Book Westward the course! The new world of Oceania, McGuire, Paul, 1903- Pac.DU22.M17 IN
Book WET testing video training, freshwater series Gov.EP1.2:T66/20 IN
Book Wetlands Moore, Peter D. QH87.3.M66 2001 IN
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