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Book The economic development of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea; report of a mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the request of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. World Bank.
Mixed Economic development options for Federated States of Micronesia at independence Cameron, John. Pac.HC681.7.C14 1991 c.2 IN
Book Economic development plan for American Samoa : FY 1979-1984. American Samoa. Development Planning Office. Pac.HC687.S3A56 IN
Book Economic development plan for Micronesia Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Assistant Commissioner for Resources and Development. Pac.HC681.5.M5P11 1967 IN
Book Economic development plan for Micronesia : a proposed long-range plan for developing the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Trust Territory Economic Development Team. Pac.HC681.5.M5T76 1966 IN
Book Economic development plan for Micronesia : summary and index. Robert R. Nathan Associates. Pac.HC681.5.T7N3 1967 IN
Book Economic development plan for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : submitted to the High Commissioner Trust Territory Economic Development Team. Pac.HC681.5.M5T76 1966 IN
Book Economic development report for Micronesia Western Islands Development Enterprises, Inc. (WIDE). Pac.HC687.M5 W48 IN
Book Economic development report for the FSM, 2005. [Asian Development Bank]. Pac.HC681.7F42 2005? c.2 IN
Book Economic development strategy Northern Mariana Islands. Office of Planning and Budget. Pac.KWC99.3.N67 1990 IN
Book Economic development : the present state of the art Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, 1921- Pac.P87.E37 no.14 IN
Book Economic development : theories, evidence, and policies Hess, Peter. HD75.H458 1997 IN
Book Economic effects of the sales tax proposal submitted to the Ponape State Legislature by Ponape State Executive (October 1979) Holla, Joerg UN Economic Planning Advisor ARC. Box 86 IN
Book Economic Entomology in Micronesia Esguerra, Nelson M. Pac.SD935.5.M5E3 2007 IN
Book Economic evaluations of unpaid household work : Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania Goldschmidt-Clermont, Luisella. Pac.HD1421.G65 1987 IN
Book Economic factors affecting the financing of education. LB2825.J55 1970 IN
Book The economic future of Saipan : a report to the public. Saipan Chamber of Commerce. Pac.HC687.S2S2 IN
Book The Economic geography of a Micronesian Atoll. Murphy, Raymond E. Pac.HC687.C3M8 IN
Book Economic handbook of the Pacific area Field, Frederick Vanderbilt, 1905- Pac.HC57.F47 IN
Book Economic history of American women. Goldin, Claudia Dale HD6095.G65 1990 OUT
Book Economic impact assessment of non-communicable diseases on hospital resources in Tonga, Vanuatu and Kiribati : final report Doran, Christopher Pac.RA395.O3D67 2003 IN
Book Economic impacts of extended fisheries jurisdiction : proceedings of a symposium Pac.SH323.E34 1977 IN
Book Economic insects of Micronesia : report of the insect Control Committee for Micronesia 1947-1948 Pac.SB608.M5B8 IN
Book Economic interaction in the Pacific Basin Pac.HF1411.E252 IN
 2 Economic literacy : basic economics with an attitude
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