View previous page View next page Title Search: Politics in Micronesia.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Mixed Ponape : the tradition of retaliation Bascom, William Russell, 1912- VerF 0017.50b Pac IN
 2 Ponape To : seitaigakuteki Kenkyu. Japanese language.
Book The Ponape transportation authority : statements of financial condition ARC.PTA01 1971 IN
Book Ponape Village. U Corporation. Pac.TX941.P65U2 IN
Mixed Ponape Water and sewer design. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Office of the High Commissioner. Saipan, Mariana Islands.
Book Ponape water & sewerage systems, project #3 Department of Public Works ARC. TTPI 11 IN
Book Ponape water and sewerage systems, project #3 : the final submittal of the specification (#41-72-0213) of project #3 Department of Public Works ARC. TTPI 11 IN
Book Ponape welcomes the 6th Congress of Micronesia, Second Special Session, 1976. Pac.DU568.P7 P717 IN
Book Ponape : where American colonialism confronts black magic, five kingdoms and the mysterious ruins of Nan-Madol Morrill, Sibley S. Pac.DU568.P7M67 IN
Serial Ponape yearbook Pac. HV4007 P7 A1 c.1 IN
 2 Ponapean agriculture and economy : politics, prestige and problems of commercialization in the Eastern Caroline Islands
Mixed Ponapean chieftainship in the era of the nation-state Petersen, Glenn Thomas. VerF 0900.89 Pac. IN
Mixed Ponapean conceptions of incest Fischer, John Lyle. VerF 0572.76 Pac IN
 5 Ponapean culture and heritage : student booklet.
 3 Ponapean culture and heritage : teacher resource.
Book Ponapean culture and heritage : teacher's guide. Pac.GN671.P7P61 IN
Book [Ponapean culture and heritage] : teacher's resource. Solomon, Alfonso Pac.GN671.P7P61 1978 IN
Mixed The Ponapean culture of resistance Petersen, Glenn Thomas. VerF 0900.84 Pac IN
Mixed Ponapean dance Bailey, C.R. Kim
Book Ponapean-English dictionary Rehg, Kenneth L, 1939- Pac.PL6295.Z5R4 1979 c.6 IN
Book Ponapean-English word list : by Paulino Cantero, S.J. Cantero, Paulino. ARC. Box 241 IN
Book Ponapean graduates of institutions of higher education in the United States, 1970-1979. Cantero, Catalino. Pac..LB2430.M53C36 1980 IN
Book Ponapean graduates of institutions of higher education in the United States during the period of 1970 through 1979. Cantero, Catalino. Pac..LB2430.M53C36 1980 IN
Book Ponapean language arts program: learning to read through seeing, hearing, listening, writing Pac.PL6295.Z77P77 IN
Book Ponapean matriliny: production, exchange, and the ties that bind. Petersen, Glenn Pac.GN669.P7P48 1982 IN
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