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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The economy of Fiji : supporting private investment Fallon, John. Pac.HC687.F5F355 1995 IN
Serial Economy of Hawaii Hawaii. Dept. of Planning and Economic Development. Research and Economic Division. Pac.HC106.H322 1980 IN
Serial The economy of Hawaii : annual economic report and outlook /. Hawaii. Dept. of Planning and Economic Development. Research and Economic Division. Pac.HC106.H322 1980 IN
Book The economy of Papua New Guinea : 1996 report King, Tim. Pac.HC687.P3K56 1996 IN
Book The economy of Papua New Guinea; projections and policy issues Shand, R. T. (Richard Tregurtha) Pac.HC687.P3S5 1971 IN
 4 Economy of the FSM
Book The economy of the Mariana Islands. Gallahue, Edward E. (Edward Eugene), 1904- Pac.HC464.M5U6 IN
Book The economy of the Truk Islands : an anthropological and economic survey Hall, Edward Twitchell, 1914- Pac.HC464.T7H38 IN
Book ECOSOC ad hoc advisory groups on African countries emerging from conflict : the silent avant-garde Prantl, Jochen, 1967- Doc.JZ5584.A35P73 2006 IN
Video Ecosystem MITC DVD 109 IN
Book Ecosystem approach to aquaculture FAO.SH328.A694 2010 IN
Book The ecosystem approach to coastal fisheries and aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries and Territories Preston, Garry Pac.SH319.A2P92 2009 IN
 2 Ecosystem approach to fisheries
Book The ecosystem approach to fisheries: issues, terminology, principles, institutional foundations, implementation and outlook FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Ecosystem approaches and oceans : panel presentations during the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultive Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (Consultive Process), Seventh meeting, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 12 to 16 June 2006. United Nations. Open-ended Informal Consultive Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea. Meeting (7th : 2006 : New York, N.Y.) Doc.QH541.5.S3U54 2006 IN
Book Ecosystem approaches to the management of ocean-related activities : building on integrated coastal management to enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems to stressors, such as climate change : training manual Doc.QH541.5.S3E26 2011 IN
Book Ecosystem based fishery management. Gov.C55.302:F 53/9 IN
Book Ecosystem-based fishery management : a report to Congress Gov.C55.302:F 53/9 IN
 3 Ecosystems.
Book Ecosystems and human well-being : current state and trends : findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Ref.GF50.E7 2005 IN
Book Ecosystems and human well-being : multiscale assessments : findings of the Sub-global Assessments Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Ref.GF50.E7 2005 IN
Book Ecosystems and human well-being : our human planet : summary for decision-makers Ref.GF50.E7 2005 IN
Book Ecosystems and human well-being : policy responses : findings of the Responses Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Ref.GF50.E7 2005 IN
Book Ecosystems and human well-being : scenarios : findings of the Scenarios Working Group, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Ref.GF50.E7 2005 IN
Book The ecosystems of small islands in the Southwest Pacific : the sixth expedition of the SS "Callisto" Pac.QH95.5.E26 1994 IN
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