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Call Number |
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Bibliography of marine ecosystems, Pacific Islands
Eldredge, Lucius G.
Pac.Z5322.M3E4 1987
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Bibliography of Micronesia (Bibliographia Micronesia: scientiae naturalis et cultus)
A bibliography of Micronesia compiled from Japanese publication, 1915-1945
Hatanaka, Sachiko, 1930-
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Bibliography of Micronesian entomology.
Bryan, E. H. (Edwin Horace), 1898-
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Bibliography of Nauru, Western Pacific
Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910-
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Bibliography of Niue, South Pacific
Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910-
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A bibliography of Pacific Island theses and dissertations
Coppell, W. G. (William George)
Pac.DU17.C67 1983
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Bibliography of Pacific Islands coral reefs sites which have been surveyed or monitored
Eldredge, Lucius G.
Pac.Z6033.R4E53 1997
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Bibliography of periodical articles relating to the South Pacific.
Pac.Z4501.B54 v.3
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A bibliography of plant collectors in Bolivia / V.A. Funk and Scott A. Mori.
Funk, V. A. (Vicki A.), 1947-
Gov. SI 1.20:70
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Bibliography of plant pathology and mycology in the area of the South Pacific Commission, 1820-1976
Firman, I. D.
Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.176
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Bibliography of Pohnpei
Ashby, Gene
Pac.Z4008.P7A87 1998
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Bibliography of reports, studies and surveys on Trust Territory : annotated bibliography of studies done on, about, for or by the Trust Territory.
Department of Resources and Development.
IN |
A bibliography of reports, surveys, and studies prepared by, for, or about the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Wright, Gordon.
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Bibliography of soil fertility and soil management in Pacific Island countries / |c by Alexander Lincoln.
Lincoln, Alexander.
Pac.DU1.S5783 no.60
IN |
Bibliography of symposium papers; tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961.
Pacific Science Association.
Pac.G101.P28 1966
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Bibliography of synthesis documents on selected coastal ocean topics
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Bibliography of taro and other edible aroids : (supplement, 1977-1982) with author, KWIC, and source indexes
Bird, Barbara K.
Pac.Z5074.T34R67 Suppl.
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A bibliography of taro leaf blight
Brunt, Julia
Pac.SB211.T2B87 2001
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Bibliography of the Ellice Islands, Western Pacific
Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910-
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Bibliography of the island of Guam
Reid, Charles F. (Charles Frederick), 1901-
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Bibliography of the nutritional aspects of the coconut
Peters, F. E. (Frank E.)
Pac.SB401.C6P48 1954
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Bibliography of the soils of the tropics
Orvedal, Arnold C. (Arnold Clifford), 191
Pac.Z5074.S7O78 1980
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Bibliography of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Papua New Guinea Branch, 1956-1975 : publications in linguistics, literacy, and anthropology
Murane, Elizabeth.
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Bibliography of wetland plants of the Caroline Islands.
Stemmermann, Lani.
Pac.QK976.C6S74 v. 2 (217-230)
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