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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The Jewish tragedy Gilbert, Martin. D810.J4G5 1987 IN
Video Jews, christians and the holocaust MITC DVD 160 IN
Book The Jews in the twentieth century Gilbert, Martin, 1936- DS125.G37 2001 IN
Serial JFK Elem. students aid sea turtle conservation in Kayangel.
Serial JFQ Gov.D 5.20: IN
Book Jiangsu : water town journeys. DS793.K54J56 2006 IN
Book Jiangxi : Cradle of red China. DS793.K4J56 2006 IN
Serial JICA Pac.Per.HC59.8.J283 IN
Serial JICA Alumni Association aids Pohnpei Cultural Day
Book JICA report. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Pac.TL726.9.P7P75 2006 vol.3 IN
Book Jigsaw Nance, Kathleen. PB NAN 2005 OUT
Book Jihad! : Afghanistan, 1980, and the cold war has just turned hot Carew, Tom. DS371.2.C38 2000 IN
Book Jihad : the rise of militant Islam in Central Asia Rashid, Ahmed. DS329.4.R38 2002 IN
Book Jihad versus McWorld Barber, Benjamin R., 1939- HM201.B23 1995 IN
Book Jihad vs. McWorld. Barber, Benjamin R., 1939- HM201.B23 1995 IN
Book Jilin : tales of Changbai mountain. DS793.K54J56 2006 IN
Book Jim Bunning, U.S. Senator from Kentucky, tributes in the Congress of the United States Gov.Y1.1/3:111-26 IN
Book Jim DeMint, U.S. Senator from Carolina, tributes in the Congress of the United States Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-7 IN
Book Jim Webb, U.S. Senator from Virginia, tributes in the Congress of the United States Gov. Y1.1/3:113-15 IN
Book Jimmie Boogie learns about smoking Brenneman, Tim. CRC Pic.B75 2002 OUT
Serial Jimmorinia, a new genus of myodocopid Ostracoda (Cypridinidae) from the Bahamas, Jamaica, Honduras, and Panama Cohen, Anne C. Gov. SI 1.27:605 IN
 2 Jimmy Carter
Book Jimmy Carter National Historical, Park Georgia. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:C 24/ IN
Book Jimmy Corrigan : the smartest kid on earth Ware, Chris, 1967- PN6727.W285J56 2000 IN
Book Jing hua yi yun : xi fang ban hua zhong de Ming Qing Iao Beijing (1598-1902) Li, Susan. DS795.1.L52 2008 IN
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