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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The Micronesian Special Services Project (MSSP) for program year 1982-1983 Pac.LA2270.M5M58 1982 IN
 2 Micronesian status negotiations
Book Micronesian status negotiations : hearing before the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, December 10, 1982. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Pac.KF26.F6354 1982b IN
Serial Micronesian status negotiations : Sovereignty and free association are compatible
Book Micronesian stories of the origins of islands, landmarks, and customs. Pac.GR385.M5C72 1978 IN
Serial Micronesian student to fisher's training in Alaska.
Book Micronesian students at an American college. Leinwand, Adrienne Sue, 1953- Pac.LB2376.6.M65L45 1981 IN
Serial Micronesian students news letter Oregon College of Education. Pac.LD2935.O73 IN
Serial Micronesian students newsletter. Oregon College of Education. Pac.LD2935.O73 IN
Book Micronesian sub regional workshop on "Pacific women and their skills held in Pohnpei (FSM) October, 21-27, 1992. Pac.HQ799.P16M53 1993 IN
Serial Micronesian Support Committee bulletin Pac.Per.DU500.M533 IN
Book Micronesian Teacher Education Center Pac.LB1727.T78M53 1963 IN
Serial Micronesian Teacher Education Center: annual report University of Hawaii (Honolulu) Pac. LB1727.T78H382 1969-70 IN
Book Micronesian Teacher Education Center: final report. Terpstra, Margery. Pac. LB1727.T78T46 1963-71 IN
Book Micronesian Teacher Education Center: five year report. Pac. LB1727.T78U55 1968 IN
Video Micronesian technical assistance program in Oregon MITC VC 344 IN
Book Micronesian tournament. Pac.GV725.F57 1996 IN
Book Micronesian transportation Pac.LB1140.26.M58E4 1975 IN
Book Micronesian unity at the crossroads : past events and future perspectives Inomata, Maho Pac.DU500.I56 IN
Book Micronesian views of the Japanese : the Palauan case, notes presented for a presentation made at the Micronesian Area research Center, Seminar series, 3 October 1984 Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- Pac.DU780.B32 IN
Mixed Micronesian women: a strategy for progress. Souder, Laura M. Torres. VerF 0496.92 Pac. IN
 2 Micronesians abroad
Book Micronesians and the Pacific War : the Palauans Higuchi, Wakako. Pac.DU780.7.H54 1986 IN
Mixed Micronesians' early contacts with alcoholic beverages. Marshall, Mac VerF 0087.75 Pac. IN
Mixed [Micronesians in Arkansas].
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