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Book Preliminary environmental impact statement : Yap District airport Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Yap District. Pac.HE9898.A7Y3 1973 IN
Book A preliminary estimate of the forest resources of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: A paper presented to a Conference of Land Management Personnel, Saipan, M. I., 23-30 April, 1966 Cheatham, Norden H. Pac.SD245.T7C4 IN
Book Preliminary financial ananlysis of Guam's electricity generating options Mayer, Peter C. Pac.DU500.A15.M37 v.39 IN
Book Preliminary gazetteer of geographic names for Saipan Pac.G105.U543 1949 IN
Book Preliminary investigations of demographic features and ecological variables of a Micronesian island population : [by ] Jane Hainline Underwood. Underwood, Jane Hainline. Pac.HA4010.7.Y3U5 IN
Book A preliminary land use and facilities inventory and evaluation of the Micronesian Occupational College Snyder, Jennifer. Pac.HT395.S69 1990 IN
Book A preliminary list of agriculturally valuable plants found on atoll islands of Micronesia Soucie, Edward A. Pac.SB319.M5S616 IN
Book Preliminary list of economic plants in New Caledonia Barrau, Jacques Pac.SB108.N48B37 1950 IN
Mixed A preliminary market-based analysis of the Pohnpei, Micronesia, grouper (Serranidae: Epinephelinae) fishery reveals unsustainable fishing practices Rhodes, K.L. Pac.QL634.S48R46 2007 IN
Serial Preliminary monitoring of coastal seawater in Yap Islands: October, 1999
Book Preliminary observations of the Teuthidid (Siganid) fishery in Palau/ Helfman, Eugene S. Pac.SH351.S51H4 IN
Book Preliminary papers on natural resources Pac.QH198.F54D74 IN
Mixed The preliminary position of the Congress of Micronesia regarding legal-political arrangements for the future use of the oceans Grogan, Noel. VerF 0054.73 Pac IN
Book Preliminary proposal for a GLORIA deep- sea survey of the exclusive economic zones of the South Pacific Nations (CCOP/SOPAC). Mariconi Underwater Systems Pac.GC288.M37 1986 IN
Book Preliminary report Pac.QC912.3G7P6 IN
Book Preliminary report : Anthropological survey of Arno Atoll Petrosian-Husa, Carmen C.H. Pac.DU710.P44ar 2004 IN
Book Preliminary report : archaeological investigations of the Utwa-Welung coastal plain, Kosrae Streck, Charles F. Pac DU 568 K8 S7 1982 IN
Book Preliminary report: Archaeological research on Fais Island.
Book Preliminary report of parasitological observations made of the Islands of Truk and Ponape, Eastern Caroline Is. Alicata, Joseph E. Pac.QL757.A4 1946 IN
Book Preliminary report of the Tol Island road survey, Truk District, Trust Territory of the Pacific; contract number F6H01A100-251 Edwards, Rob Pac.DU568.T7E4 IN
Serial Preliminary report of Zika virus outbreak in Yap
Book Preliminary report on archaeological survey and testing, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands Riley, Thomas J. Pac.DU710.R5 IN
Book Preliminary report on banks around Yap, the Federated States of Micronesia Pac.SH1.N3 1988 IN
Book Preliminary report on land animals at Onotoa Atoll, Gilbert Islands. Moul, Edwin Theodore. Pac.QL345.M5S34 no.19 IN
Book Preliminary report on marine biology study of Onotoa Atoll, Gilbert Islands Banner, A.H. and John E. Randall Pac.QH95.55.G3B3 IN
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