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Mixed Statement by H.E. Mr. Leo A. Falcam, President of the Federated States of Micronesia : at the International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterrey, Mexico 21 March 2002 Micronesia (Federated States). President (1999-2003: Falcam). VerF.1004.1 Pac. IN
Mixed Statement by Jacob Nena, Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia in the General Debate, World Conference of Human Rights, Vienna, Austria, 21 June 1993 VerF 0181.93 Pac. IN
Mixed Statement by Mr. Tadao P. Sigrah Charge D' Affaires, Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations in the fifth-fourth United Nations General Assembly before the Plenary on Agenda item 19: admission of new members to the United Nations, September 14, 1999. Sigrah, Tadao P. VerF 0299.99 Pac IN
Book Statement by Senator Bailey Olter: special adviser to the United States delegation representing the Federated States of Micronesia, May 22, 1979 Olter, Bailey 1932-1999. Pac.JQ6451.A5O4 IN
Book Statement by the Executive Director for the Federated States of Micronesia. International Monetary Fund. VerF.0931 Pac. IN
Book Statement of accounting principles and standards for the financial management system of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.HF5616.5.P33 IN
Book Statement of cash receipts and disbrsement and independent auditors report: year ended September 30, 2007 Pac.HV580.M625M53 2008 IN
Mixed A statement of conservation principles for Micronesia. National Research Council (U.S.). Pacific Science Board. Conservation Committee for Micronesia. VerF 0910 Pac. IN
Serial Statement of disbursements of the House : as compiled by the Chief Administrative Officer from ... United States. Congress. House Gov.Y1.1/7:110-52N1 IN
Mixed Statement of Glyn Davis, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State before the House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Insular Affairs Davies, Glen VerF.053 Pac. IN
Book Statement of honorable Jesse B. Marehalau Federated States of Micronesia representative to the United States before the subcommittee on interior and related agencies committee on appropriations United States Senate : hearing on the proposed FY 1990 budget request Pac.HJ2199.S1 1990 IN
Mixed Statement of intent of some guidelines and proposals for an associated free state of Micronesia (includes errata) [position paper]. Green, D. Michael. VerF 0434.70 Pac IN
Book Statement of interest and qualifications for Kosrae wastewater facilities plan Tenorio, Duenas & Associates, Inc. Pac.TD624.K8T4 IN
Book Statement of interest and qualifications for the preparation of a new wastewater facilities plan for Kosrae State, Federated States of Micronesia Pac.TD624.K8A8 IN
Mixed Statement of objectives and policies of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner. VerF.0398.3 Pac. IN
Book Statement of of qualifications Kosrae wastewater facilities plan for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Barrett, Harris & Associates, Inc. PacTD624.M625B37 1982 IN
Mixed Statement of the Honorable Donna M. Christensen chairwoman, subcommittee on Insular Affairs Overseight Hearing on the Implementation of the Compact of Free Association Between the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia. Christensen, Donna M. VerF.0061.01 Pac. IN
Mixed Statement of the Honorable Fabian Nimea, director, Office of Statistics, budget & Economic Management, Overseas Development Assistance and Compact Management (S.B.O.C.), Government of the Federated States of Micronesia before the United State House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, the Honorable Donna Christensen, Chairwoman. Nimea, Fabian VerF.0061 Pac IN
Mixed Statement of the Honorable Fabian Nimes before the United States House of Representatives. Nimea, Fabian VerF.0061 Pac IN
Mixed Statement of Thomas Bussanich acting director, Office of Insular Affairs, Department of the Interior : before the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Insular Affairs VerF.1220 Pac. IN
Serial Statement of treaties and international agreements registered or filed with the Secretariat during the month of ... = Releve des traites et accords internationaux enreistres ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat pendant le mois de Doc. ST/LEG/SER.A/710 IN
Mixed A statement on language policy and planning in Micronesia Topping, Donald M. VerF 044.82 Pac IN
Book Statement on posture, plans, and programs for fiscal years ... through ... United States. Gov.D214.1:988 IN
Book States and regions : daily geography. CRC H86.S83dg 1997 IN
Computer States of North East. CD ROM 0634 IN
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