Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Introduction to supervision
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Personnel Training Division.
IN |
Introduction to supervision; a basic course for the government supervisor.
Van Dersal, William Richard, 1907-
IN |
An introduction to sustainable transportation : policy, planning and implementation
Schiller, Preston L.
HE147.65.S35 2010
IN |
Introduction to teaching (in Micronesia)
Introduction to teaching : making a difference in student learning /Gollnick.
Hall, Gene E., 1941- author.
LB1025.3.H339 2014
IN |
Introduction to technical services for library technicians
Kao, Mary Liu.
Z688.6.U6K36 2001
IN |
An introduction to the anthropology of Melanesia : culture and tradition
Sillitoe, Paul, 1949-
GN668.S55 1998
IN |
Introduction to the art of the movies : an anthology of ideas on the nature of movie art
Jacobs, Lewis.
PN1995.J15 1960
IN |
An introduction to the Baha'i faith
Smith, Peter, 1947 Nov. 27-
BP365.S655 2008
IN |
Introduction to the foundations of American education
LB17.I58 1993
IN |
An introduction to the geometry of numbers
Cassels, J. W. S. (John W. S.)
QA453.C37 1997
IN |
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
Introduction to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
FAO. SB123.3.I62 2011
IN |
Introduction to the invertebrates
Moore, Janet
QL362.M66 2001
IN |
An introduction to the language and concepts of current Zhongyi literature.
Unschuld, Paul U., (Paul Ulrich), 1943-
PL1117.5.M43U4713 1994
IN |
An introduction to the legal system of the United States
Farnsworth, E. Allan (Edward Allan), 1928-
KF387.F3 1996
IN |
Introduction to the people and cultures of Micronesia by William H. Alkire
Introduction to the peoples and cultures of Indonesia and Malaysia
Koentjaraningrat, 1923-
IN |
An introduction to the peoples and cultures of Melanesia
Chowning, Martha Ann.
Pac.GN668.C47 1977
IN |
An introduction to the peoples and cultures of Micronesia
An introduction to the philosophy of religion
Davies, Brian, 1951-
BL51.D363 2004
IN |
Introduction to the Ponapean language
Watakabe, Mitsuo.
IN |
Introduction to the practice of fishery science
Royce, William F.
SH331.R68 1984
IN |
Introduction to the responsible conduct of research
Steneck, Nicholas H.
IN |
An introduction to the soils of Fiji
Leslie, D. M. (David Murdoch), 1940-
Pac.S599.9.F5L475 1997
IN |