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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Ecology of language acquisition P118.E27 2003 IN
Book The ecology of patch reef fishes Nolan, Ron Scott Pac.QL636.5.M3 1975 IN
Mixed The Ecology of resettlement schemes Palmer, Gary VerF.1007 Pac. IN
Book The ecology of Samoa : an annotated bibliography Robinson, A. C. (Anthony C.), 1947- Pac.QH198.S3R62 IN
Book Ecology of Terrestrial Arthropods on the Tokelau atolls. Pac.Q565.A8 1968 no.120-126 IN
Book Ecology of the reef-lagoon complex of some islands in the Lau group Pac.QH198.F54D74 IN
Book Ecology : the sea Behan, R. Pac.QH541.B45 1974 IN
Book Ecology : theories and applications Stiling, Peter D. QH541.S674 2002 IN
Book Econometric models and economic forecasts Pindyck, Robert S. HB3730.P54 1991 IN
Book Economic adjustment : policies and problems :papers presented at a seminar held in Wellington, New Zealand, February 17-19,1986 Pac.HC681.E28 1986 IN
Book An economic analysis of hyro-electric generation at the Nanepil River : state of Ponape, Ponape Island, Federated States of Micronesia Eastern Caroline Islands Office of Planning and Statistics. Office of the High Commissioner. Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.TK1423.P7P3 1981 IN
Mixed Economic analysis of indigenous agroforestry : a case study on Pohnpei Island, Federated States of Micronesia Raynor, Bill VerF.0370 Pac. IN
Book The economic analysis of substance use and abuse : the experience of developed countries and lessons for developing countries HV4999.2.E253 2001 IN
Book Economic and political change in the Leeward and Windward Islands/. O'Loughlin, Carleen. Pac.HC155.O37 IN
Book Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas. 1981: Seoul, Republic of Korea). Pac.GC1025.069C73 1982 IN
Book Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific: annual report (18 March 1978 - 16 March 1979). Pac.HD105.E7 1979 IN
Book Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific: annual report (30 March 1980 - 20 March 1981). Pac.HD105.E7 1981 IN
Serial Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific : committee on natural resources Mineral Resources Development (3rd: 1976: Bangkok). Pac.TN264.E35 IN
Book Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific: Draft annual report. ESCAP (35th: 1979: Manila) Pac.HD105.E7 1978 IN
Book Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ; in cooperation with the Environment Agency of Japan and the United Nations/Institute of Advance Studies. Pac.QC981.8.G56R44 1997 IN
Serial Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia publications catalogue United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. Doc.Z7165.M5U537 2009 IN
Book Economic and Social Commmission for Asia and the Pacific thirty-fifth session 5-16 March 1979 Manila: draft annual report. ESCAP (35th: 1979: Manila) Pac.HD105.E7 1978 IN
Book Economic & social statistics of Pohnpei. Pac.HC687.P7E338 1986 IN
Serial Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific. United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Doc.HC411.A2 IN
 2 Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific, 1981.
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