View previous page View next page Title Search: Mariana District Public Works project
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Marine turtles of the Solomon Islands McKeown, Andrew. Pac.QL666.C5M33 1977 IN
Mixed Marine turtles of U.S. Terrritories in the Central Pacific ocean Balaza, Geroge H. VerF.1305 Pac. IN
Book Marine zoology study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands Hiatt, Robert Worth, 1913- Pac.QL345.M34H5 IN
Serial Mariners weather log Gov. C 55.135: IN
Computer Marines 1950-1953 Korea Gov.D214.13:K84/11/CD OUT
Book Marines in the battle for Wake Island Cressman, Robert, 1950- Pac.D767.99.W3C74 1992 IN
Computer Marines in the Korean War commemorative series Gov.D214.13:K84/11/CD OUT
Book Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991: with the 2d Marine Division Mroczkowski, Dennis P. Gov.D214.13:P43/3 IN
Book Marines in the recapture of Guam. O'Brien, Cyril J. Pac.D769.542.G5O27x 1991 IN
Video The marines in the WWII Kwajelein operations. MITC VC 69 IN
Book The Marines in Vietnam, 1954-1973; an anthology and annotated bibliography. Gov. D214.13:V67/954-73/985 IN
Serial Marines : Official magazine of the Marine Corps. Gov. D 214.24: IN
Serial Marines (Washington, D.C.) Gov. D 214.24: IN
Book The Marino mission : one girl, one mission, one thousand words Chapman, Karen B. PZ7.C36m 2005 IN
Book Marists and Melanesians : a history of Catholic Missions in the Solomon Islands Laracy, Hugh. Pac.BV3680.S6L37 1976 IN
Book A maritime album : 100 photographs and their stories Mariners' Museum (Newport News, Va.) TR670.5.M37 1997 IN
Book Maritime boundaries, Tokelau : treaty between the United States of America and New Zealand, signed at Atafu December 2m 1980. New Zealand. Pac.JX231.A34 vol.35 pt.2 IN
Book Maritime code for the South Pacific. Pac.KC260.S68 1986 IN
Video The Maritime Connection MITC VC 1294 IN
Mixed Maritime culture in the Western Pacific : a touch of tradition Ames, Todd. VerF 1117 Pac. IN
Book Maritime history of the Pacific peoples Couper, A. D. Pac.GN662.C68 2009 IN
Book Maritime institutions in the Western Pacific Pac.K3898.P3M37 1984 IN
Book Maritime meteorology Cornish, Maurice M. QC994.R55 1997 IN
 2 Maritime newsletter
Book Maritime search and rescue : agreement between the United States of America and Micronesia, signed at Honolulu June 10, 1988. Micronesia (Federated States) Pac.JX231.A24S11586 1988 IN
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