View previous page View next page Title Search: Trade cycles in outer Southeast Asia and their impact on New Guinea and nearby islands until 1920.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Trader Vic--methods of a Wall Street master Sperandeo, Victor. HG4661.S68 1993 IN
Video Traders of the Dead Sea Scrolls. MITC DVD 159 B IN
Book Traders, teachers and soldiers : an anthropological survey of colonial era sites on Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands Rynkiewich, Michael A. Pac.DU500.5.T73 IN
Serial Tradewinds : a publication of the Consortium for Pacific Arts and Cultures. Pac.GR380.T73 IN
Serial Tradewinds (Consortium for Pacific Arts and Cultures (Honolulu, Hawaii)) Pac.GR380.T73 IN
Book Trading human rights for peace? Taupongi, John S., author. Pac.KZ7145.T38 2003 IN
Book Trading in oil futures Clubley, Sally. HG6047.P47C57 1990 IN
Book Trading into the future : E-Services for Trade, Investment and Enterprise. Economic Commission for Europe. Doc.ECE/TRADE/286 IN
Book Trading places : how america is surrendering its future to Japan and how to win it back Prestowitz, Clyde V. HC462.9.P69 1988 IN
Book The trading voyages of Andrew Cheyne, 1841-1844 Cheyne, Andrew. Pac.DU21.C55 1971b IN
Video Trading women MITC VC 1143 IN
Book Tradition and change in the Fijian village Nayacakalou, R. R. (Rusiate Raibosa), 1927- Pac.GN671.F5N383 IN
Mixed Tradition and legitimacy : the example of Western Polynesia Loveland, Jerry K. VerF 0366.01 Pac. IN
Book Tradition, change and meaning in Kiribati performance : an ethnography of music and dance in a Micronesian society Burke, Mary E. Lawson (Mary Elizabeth Lawson), 1955- Pac.GV1728.K57L44 1989 IN
Book Tradition of land in Kwara'ae Burt, Ben. Pac.DU850.42.B94 1992 IN
Mixed Tradition of Pohnpei. VerF 0900.92a Pac. IN
Book The tradition of science : landmarks of Western science in the collections of the Library of Congress Bruno, Leonard C. Q125.B87 1985 IN
Mixed Tradition: variation versus invention VerF 0900.92a Pac. IN
Book Traditional agiculture & resource management systems in the High Islands of Micronesia Pac.HC123.5.M58F18 1986 IN
Book Traditional and bureaucratic forms of old age assistance in the Truk district, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a final report submitted to the United States Social Security Administration in fulfillment of Grant 10-P-57842/7-01 June 27, 1977 Borthwick, Mark. Pac.HQ1064.T7B6 IN
Book Traditional and contemporary ways of welcome and hospitality Chun, Malcolm Na'ea. Pac.DU624.65.C479 2006 IN
Book Traditional art of Tahiti Lavondes, Anne. Pac.N7411.T3L39 1968? IN
Book Traditional arts of Pacific Island women Museum of New Zealand Pac N 7410 .M87 1993 IN
Mixed Traditional botanical treatments of bites and stings on Pohnpei. VerF. 0372 Pac. IN
Book Traditional building Mwoakilloan sailing canoes. Nagaoka, Takuya. Pac.GN671.M83N13 1997 IN
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