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Call Number |
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Tributes delivered in Congress : Trent Lott, United States Congressman, 1973-1989, United States Senator, 1989-2007.
Gov.Y 1.1/3:110-13
IN |
Tributes delivered in Congress : Wayne Allard, United States, Senator, 1997-2009.
Gov.Y 1.1/3:110-20
IN |
Tributes delivered in Congress : Zell Miller, United States Senator, 2000-2005.
IN |
Tributes to Dakio Syne.
Pac.Z720.S9T75 2003 c.3
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Barbara A. Mikulski
Gov. Y1.1/3:114-22
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Barbara Boxer
Gov. Y1.1/3:114-19
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Carl Levin.
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Daniel Coats
Gov. Y1.1/3:114-20
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Daniel K. Akaka
Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-3
IN |
Tributes to Hon. David Vitter
Gov. Y1.1/3:114-24
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Harry Reid
Gov. Y1.1/3:114-23
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Herb Kohl
Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-9
IN |
Tributes to Hon. James M. Jeffords
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Jeff Bingaman
Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-4
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Jim DeMint
Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-7
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Jim Webb
Gov. Y1.1/3:113-15
IN |
Tributes to Hon. John E. Sununu
Gov.Y 1.1/3:110-28
IN |
Tributes to Hon. John E. Walsh
Gov. Y1.1/3:113-38
IN |
Tributes to Hon. John F. Kerry
Gov. Y1.1/3:113-39
IN |
Tributes to Hon. John W. Warner
Gov.Y 1.1/3:110-29
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Jon Kyl
Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-10
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Joseph I. Lieberman
Tributes to Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr
Tributes to Hon. Kay Bailey Hutchison
Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-8
IN |
Tributes to Hon. Kent Conrad
Gov.Y 1.1/3:113-6
IN |