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 2 Indians
Book Indians of North America. Driver, Harold Edson, 1907- E58.D68 1962 IN
Book Indians of Southern California Underhill, Ruth Murray, 1884-1984. E78.C15U2 1980 IN
Book India's long road to independence Read, Anthony. DS480.45.R39 1997 IN
Book Indicateurs Economiques Clefs du Pacifique sud Pac.HC683.S62 IN
Book Indicative development plan, Yap State, 1980. Yap (Micronesia) Pac.HC681.5.Y3 1980 IN
Book An indicative economic development plan for the Marshall Islands District. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Marshall District. Pac.HC687.M3T78 1976a c.5 IN
Book An indicative economic development plan for Truk District. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Truk Islands. Pac.HC687M5T78 1977 IN
Book Indicators for monitoring and evaluation of the performance of public enterprises in Africa Doc.HD4338.I53 1994 IN
Book Indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals : definitions, rationale, concepts and sources Doc.HC59.3.I53 2003 IN
Serial Indicators for sustainable development of marine capture fisheries. FAO.SH329.S87I535 1999 IN
Book Indicators for the sustainable development of finfish Mediterranean aquaculture : highlights from the InDAM Project. FAO.SH213.4.I53 2011 IN
 2 Indicators of sustainable development : guidelines and methodologies.
Mixed Indigenization as a missionary goal in the Caroline and Marshall Islands Hezel, Francis X. Pac.BV3677.H48 IN
Book Indigenous agroforestry of Pohnpei: plant species and cultivars Raynor, W.C. Pac.SB495.5.H45R39 1991b IN
Book Indigenous agroforestry of Pohnpei: Spatial and successional vegetation patterns Raynor, W.C. Pac.SB495.5.H45R39 1991 IN
Book Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (1989) Pac K 3242 .M266 1994 NZC IN
Book Indigenous Australian voices : a reader Pac.PR 9614.5.A94153 1998 IN
Book Indigenous business development in the Pacific : final report of the Regional Workshop on Indigenous Business Development in the Pacific, held in Apia, Western Samoa between May 18-24, 1986 Regional Workshop on Indigenous Business Development in the Pacific (1986 : Apia, Samoa) Pac.HF5318.55.P33 1986 IN
Book Indigenous business in Fiji Hailey, John M., 1952- Pac.HC685.5.H35 1985 IN
Book Indigenous encounters : reflections on relations between people in the Pacific Pac.GN378.I53 2007 IN
Book Indigenous entrepreneurship in Western Samoa Croulet, C. Ross. Pac.HD62.7.C76 1986 IN
Book Indigenous fresh water management technology of Truk, Pohnpei and Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands, and of Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia Hunter-Anderson, Rosalind L. Pac.TD324.G8T4 no.65 IN
Mixed Indigenous island empires : Yap and Tonga considered Petersen, Glenn Thomas. VerF 0900.00a Pac. IN
Book Indigenous literature in Oceania : a survey of criticism and interpretation Goetzfridt, Nicholas J. Pac.PN849.O26153 1995 IN
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