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  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial A bibliography of co-operation in the South Pacific. Pac. HF5431.S6 IN
Book Bibliography of dengue fever and dengue-like illnesses, 1780-1981 Kuno, Goro. Pac.RC137.K86 IN
Book A bibliography of energy literature for U.S. Micronesia and American Samoa Case, Charles W. (Charles Whipple), 1938- Pac.TJ163.25.U6C37 IN
Book A bibliography of Fiji, Tonga, and Rotuma : preliminary working edition Snow, Philip, 1915- Pac.Z4651.S65 1969b IN
Mixed [Bibliography of ] Foreign contacts with Truk Islands.
Book Bibliography of geology and geophysics of the South Pacific Pac.TN123 .C65 no.1 c.2 IN
Book A Bibliography of Kusaie island : with a short history of research on Kusaie Ritter, Philip L. Pac.Z4741.R51 1976 IN
Book Bibliography of library materials; Micronesian Seminar Research Library. Micronesian Seminar. Pac.Z4501.M58 1967 IN
Book A bibliography of literature for Micronesian children Salas, Marilyn. Pac.Z1037.A1S35 1991 IN
Book A bibliography of manuscripts, archives, and other unpublished materials relating to Guam and Micronesia in repositories in the United States Wuerch, William L Pac.Z4980.G45W84 1991 IN
Book Bibliography of marine benthic algae in Micronesia Tsuda, Roy T. Pac.QH91.T7 1977 IN
Book Bibliography of marine ecosystems, Pacific Islands Eldredge, Lucius G. Pac.Z5322.M3E4 1987 IN
 2 Bibliography of Micronesia (Bibliographia Micronesia: scientiae naturalis et cultus)
Book A bibliography of Micronesia compiled from Japanese publication, 1915-1945 Hatanaka, Sachiko, 1930- Pac.Z4501.H37 IN
Book Bibliography of Micronesian entomology. Bryan, E. H. (Edwin Horace), 1898- Pac.Z5859.M5B7 IN
Book Bibliography of Nauru, Western Pacific Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910- Pac.Z4773.K73 IN
Book Bibliography of Niue, South Pacific Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910- Pac.Z4774.K73 IN
Book A bibliography of Pacific Island theses and dissertations Coppell, W. G. (William George) Pac.DU17.C67 1983 IN
Book Bibliography of Pacific Islands coral reefs sites which have been surveyed or monitored Eldredge, Lucius G. Pac.Z6033.R4E53 1997 IN
Serial Bibliography of periodical articles relating to the South Pacific. Pac.Z4501.B54 v.3 IN
Serial A bibliography of plant collectors in Bolivia / V.A. Funk and Scott A. Mori. Funk, V. A. (Vicki A.), 1947- Gov. SI 1.20:70 IN
Book Bibliography of plant pathology and mycology in the area of the South Pacific Commission, 1820-1976 Firman, I. D. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.176 IN
Book Bibliography of Pohnpei Ashby, Gene Pac.Z4008.P7A87 1998 IN
Book Bibliography of reports, studies and surveys on Trust Territory : annotated bibliography of studies done on, about, for or by the Trust Territory. Department of Resources and Development. ARC. TTPI 09 IN
Book A bibliography of reports, surveys, and studies prepared by, for, or about the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Wright, Gordon. Pac.Z4501.W7 IN
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