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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Commanding generals and chiefs of staff, 1775-2010 : portraits & biographical sketches of the United States Army's senior officer Bell, William Gardner. Gov.D114.2:G 28/1775-1995 IN
Serial Commemorating Pohnpeian history.
Mixed Commemorating the discovery of Guam VerF.377 Pac. IN
Book Commemoration of the signing of the Northern Mariana Islands Covenant. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Department of Public Affairs. Pac.JQ6242.A13C73 1976 IN
Book Commemorative edition in celebration of the International Year of the Ocean, 1998 Gov.C55.302:H62 IN
Book Commemorative joint meeting of the Congress of the United States in remembrance of the victims and heroes of September 11, 2001, Federal Hall, New York, NY, Friday, September 6, 2002 United States. Congress (107th, 2nd session: 2002) Gov.Y1.1/2:SERIAL 14773 IN
Book Commencement address to the College of Micronesia-FSM. Hughes, Miriam H. U.S. Ambassador to the Federated States of Micronesia. VerF(2) 0110 Pac. IN
Serial Commencement on old campus
Book Recommended measures for regulating the importation and movement of plants and related items in Asia and the Pacific region. Pac.SB985.A78R22 1990 IN
Serial Commentary on 'Family obligations in Micronesian cultures : implications for educators' Bishop, Russell. VerF 1012.10 Pac. IN
Book A commentary on the epistles of Peter and of Jude Kelly, J. N. D. (John Norman Davidson) BS2795.3.K4 1969 IN
Book Commentary on the Holy Quran : compiled from the writings and pronouncements of the promised Messiah and Mahdi Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Quadian BP130.C73 2004 IN
Book Comments of the advisory council on historic presertvatin: termiantion of the U.S. trusteeship of the Islands of Micronesia Pac.JX4084.T7C66 1981 IN
Serial Comments on some features of horticultural land use on Pohnpei island
Mixed Comments on the COM Five-year plan Community College of Micronesia President ARC. Box 96 IN
Video Commerative stamps for Keitani Graham MITC DVD 757 IN
Book Commerce and development in Papua New Guinea Harcourt, S. V. Pac.DU740.H34 1988 IN
Serial Commerce and foreign trade Gov.AE 2.106/3:15/PT.800-END IN
Mixed Commerce and industry in the Federated States of Micronesia Pollard, Steve VerF 0111.89a Pac IN
Serial Commerce exterieur 1980 French South Pacific Commission Pac.HF283.O25 S68a 1985 IN
Serial Commerce holds culture in Pohnpei
Mixed Commercial agriculture on Ponape : a strange paradox Becker, Richard J., S.J. VerF 0018.75 Pac IN
Book Commercial aquaculture and economic growth, poverty alleviation and food security : assessment framework Hishamunda, Nathanae?el, 1958- FAO.SH1.F2 2009 no.512 IN
Book Commercial arbitration in Asia and the Pacific KL22.2.C65 1987 IN
Book Commercial atlas and marketing guide Oversize.Ref.G1019.R3 1998 IN
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