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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Special report on financial administration in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Public Administration Service. Pac. HJ1809.T7P33 IN
Book A special report on program development for the Community College of Micronesia / prepared by Frederick W. Young, Jr. Young, Frederick W. Pac.LG961.M5Y6 IN
Serial Special report -- part 2 : Tourism in the Pacific Islands : where is it now? where is it going?
Book Special report to the accrediting commission for community and junior colleges. Community College of Micronesia Pac.LG961.M53C73 1981 IN
Book Special resource study : Peleliu Battlefield National Historic Landmark, Peleliu State, republic of Palau. Pac.DU780.5.S64 2003 IN
Book Special resources study : Peleliu Battlefield National Historic Landmark, Peleliu State, republic of Palau Pac.DU780.5.S64 2003 IN
Serial Special session of the SPREP Intergovernmental meeting, Nuku'alofa, Kingdom of Tonga, 24 October 1991. SPREP Intergovernmental Meeting (1991: Nuku'alofa, Tonga) Pac.HC79E5 S66 1991 IN
Book Special session on children documents. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Pac.HQ789.U55 2002 OUT
Book Special theme of the 33rd South Pacific Conference : The state of Pacific children. South Pacific Conference 33rd : 1993 : Noumea). Pac.HQ792.P16S1 1993 IN
Book Special training opportunities for Micronesians Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.RA394.P33 1984 IN
Book Special transportation problems of the American Pacific islands : report to the Congress United States. $bDepartment of Transportation. Pac.HE297.55.U52 1985 IN
Book A special valor : the U.S. Marines and the Pacific war Wheeler, Richard. Pac.D767.9.W47 1983 IN
Book Specialist bibliographies : standards for scope, arrangement and style, accepted by the Standing Conference of Pacific Libraries, October 1979 Flores, Bess. Pac.ZA501.F58 1980 IN
Serial Specialists on the Asia Pacific Region East-West Center Pac.DU18.N49 2002 IN
Book Specialized studies in Polynesian anthropology Pac.GN670.L8 1947 IN
Book Specialty crops for Pacific islands Pac.SB87.P16S64 2011 IN
Book Speciation and dispersal in a low diversity taxon : the slender geckos Hemiphyllodactylus (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) Zug, George R., 1938- Gov.SI 1.27:631 IN
Book Speciation mechanisms and coevolution at Malesian wet tropics (Sumatra) Pac.SD247.D58 1989 IN
Video Species MITC ENT 23 OUT
Serial Species tables of reported strains and broodstocks Kincaid, Harold L. Gov.I49.2:T75/5/2001 IN
Book Specification and modification for Yap Public Works Building School Dormitory Pac TH3411.S66 1979 IN
Book Specification basis for design cost estimate for harbor and dock dredging. Juan C. Tenorio & Assoc., Inc. Pac.TE251.T32 IN
Book Specification for five year capital improvements: Ponape District Eastern Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands/ Makalapa, Hawaii. Department of the Navy. Pacific Division. Naval Facilities Engineering Command. Pac.TE252.T31f IN
Book Specification for road improvements: Ponape District Eastern Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands/ Juan C. Tenorio & Associates, Inc. Pac.TE252.T31 IN
Book Specifications airport drainage project and roads project Lyon asscoiates, inc. Pac.TL725.2.L96 1983 IN
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