Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Specification for five year capital improvements: Ponape District Eastern Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands/
Makalapa, Hawaii. Department of the Navy. Pacific Division. Naval Facilities Engineering Command.
IN |
Specification for road improvements: Ponape District Eastern Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands/
Juan C. Tenorio & Associates, Inc.
IN |
Specifications airport drainage project and roads project
Lyon asscoiates, inc.
Pac.TL725.2.L96 1983
IN |
Specifications for communication tower
Mariana Islands Architects & Engineers.
Pac.HD9697.T453S6 1980
IN |
Specifications for design no.100, 61 foot steel skipjack boat
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources and Development.
Pac.VM353.P33 1973
IN |
Specifications for drainage and roadbed improvements for principal roadways Moen, Truk Island Eastern Caroline Islands
IN |
Specifications for expansion and improvement of water system
Pac.GB1192.H35 1987
IN |
Specifications for hemodialysis laboratory: Ponape District, E.C.I.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Design and Engineering Division.
Pac.TH4815.8.P7P11 1977
IN |
Specifications for Koror-Babelthuap bridge.
Pac.TG425.S64 1975
IN |
Specifications for local public works capital development and investment program
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Design and Engineering Division.
Pac.TH4815.8.P7P11 1977
IN |
Specifications for local public works capital development and investment program, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works, Design and Engineering Division.
IN |
Specifications for majuro sanitary corps, Majuro Marshall Islands
Trust Territory (Pacific Islands). Office of Planning and Statistics.
Pac.HN931.M3 1982
IN |
Specifications for Ponape District, Kosrae District, Truk District, Yap District
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Public Works, Headquarters.
Pac.HD3881.P33 1977
IN |
Specifications for Ponape dock
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of the Interior.
Pac.TC355.P33s 1971
IN |
Specifications for Ponape dock Takatik Island, Ponape Eastern Caroline Islands
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of the Interior.
Pac.TC355.P33 1971
IN |
Specifications for Public Works complex Kosrae District, E.C.I. and Yap District, W.C.I.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works, Design and Engineering Division.
IN |
Specifications for the communications building state of Kosrae Federated States of Micronesia
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Bureau of Public Works. Engineering Division.
Pac.TH24.S64 1980
IN |
Specifications for the construction of "Majuro power plant", Ponape power plant, Yap power plant
IN |
Specifications for the construction of Malakal power plant Malakal, Palau Islands
IN |
Specifications for the construction of Yap high school complex, Yap West Caroline Islands
IN |
Specifications for the Truk courthouse contract no. T.T.70-0418-39
IN |
Specifications for Truk broadcasting bldg station WSZC, Moen Islands, Truk District
IN |
Specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Caroline Islands: Yap district capital improvement program for sewer project at Yap island
Pac.TD425.Y3S64 1980
IN |
Specifications for vocational rehabilitation center Moen Island, Truk District, E.C.I./
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Bureau of Development Services. Department of Development Services.
Pac.TH3411.P33 1978
IN |
Specifications for water treatment plant and distribution system and electrical distribution system : FY-80 capital improvement program, Kosrae district, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Kosrae Island
PAE International.
ARC. Box 2008-117
IN |