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  Title Author Call Number Status
 8 Economic Policy Implementation Council (EPIC) meeting: briefing book.
 4 Economic Policy Implementation Council (EPIC) meeting: proceedings.
Book Economic policy in an independent state Castle, L. V. Pac.HC687.F5C3 1973 IN
Book Economic, production, marine resources and agriculture development loan funds : accountants' report financial statements for the fifteen month period ended September 30, 1976 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.HF566.P33 1976 IN
Book Economic profiles of the six districts of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources and Development. Pac.HC687.M5T74 IN
 3 Economic report.
Book Economic report 2005 Asian Development Bank. Pac.HC681.7.E1 2005 IN
Book Economic report of the Federated States of Micronesia Pac.HC681.85.A1F42 1997 c.2 IN
 7 Economic report of the FSM
Serial Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. Gov.PR44.9:2010 IN
Serial Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress. United States. President. Gov.Y1.1/7:110-2 IN
 2 Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress (Doc. ed.)
Book Economic report of the Republic of Palau. Bank of Hawaii. Pac.HC681.5.P35B36 1997 IN
Book Economic report on Africa, 2008 : Africa and the Monterrey Consensus: tracking performance and progress Doc.HC800.A1A354 2008 IN
Mixed Economic report on tourism. VerF.0906 Pac. IN
 3 Economic review
Book Economic review 2002 Government of the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.HC681.7.M5F42 2003? IN
Book Economic review 2005 Government of the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.HC681.7.M5F42 2006 IN
Book The economic significance of Micronesia, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Paulin, E.J. Pac.HC687M5P358 IN
Book Economic situation report : Occasional paper no. 1. Federated States of Micronesia. Economic Management Policy Advisory Team (EMPAT) Pac.HC681.7.F31 1995 IN
Book Economic situation report : Occasional paper no. 6. Federated States of Micronesia. Economic Management Policy Advisory Team (EMPAT) Pac.HC681.7.F31 1996 IN
Book Economic, social and cultural rights : handbook for national human rights institutions Doc.JC571.E352 IN
Book The economic, social and cultural rights of migrants in an irregular situation United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Doc.K3274.U556 2014 IN
Book Economic, social and health issues in tobacco control. International Meeting on Economic, Social and Health Issues in Tobacco Control (2001 : Kobe, Japan). Doc.HD9131 2003IN IN
Book Economic statistics for the FSM. Currie, Caroline G. Pac.HA4010.7.A4C93 1999? IN
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