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  Title Author Call Number Status
Mixed Hierarchy vs. democracy : two strategies for the management of knowledge in Pohnpei Falgout, Suzanne VerF. 0351 Pac. OUT
Book High blood pressure. Pac.Per.RA557P3 1995 no.3 IN
Book High cities of the Andes Wakefield, Ceiia, 1916- F2212.W35 1988 IN
Book High Commissioner's report on the State of the Territory, delivered to the Congress of Micronesia, January 197 : Koror, Palau, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands /. ARC. 1477:0096 IN
Book High Commissioner's report on the State of the Territory, delivered to the Congress of Micronesia, January 1972 : Koror, Palau, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Pac.JQ6451.A5H54 1972 IN
Serial High-count species of the stomiid fish genus Astronesthes from the southern Subtropical Convergence Region : two new species and redescription of Cryptostomias (=Astronesthes) psychrolutes Gibbs, Robert H., Jr. Gov. SI 1.27:460 IN
Book High Elk's treasure. Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. CRC PZ7.S2 1993 IN
Book High five Evanovich, Janet. PB EVA 2000 IN
Book High flight Hagberg, David. PB HAG 1995 IN
Video High head micro hydro MITC DVD 454 IN
Book High heels and holidays Michaels, Kasey. PS3563.I2725H537 2006 IN
Book High hopes for post-harvest : a new look at village-scale crop processing Clarke, Brian. FAO.S698.C53 2004 IN
Book High interest easy reading : an annotated booklist for middle and senior high school National Council of Teachers of English. Committee to Revise High Interest-Easy Reading. Z1039.S5N4 1996 IN
Book High level conference to adopt a convention for the protection of the natural resources and environment of the South Pacific region, Noumea, New Caledonia, 17-25 November 1986 : report. High Level Conference to Adopt a Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region (1986 : Noumèà, New Caledonia) Pac.S934 .O3H54 1986 IN
Serial High level dispute over "Transco" shares goes to FSM Supreme Court
Book High-level seminar on population and development planning for government ministers (planning) and heads of planning departments, Noumea, New Caledonia, 20-22 August 1990 : report/. Pac.HC681.H54 1990 IN
Book High-level subject access tools and techniques in Internet cataloging ZA4232.H54 2002 IN
Book High maintenance Belle, Jennifer, |d 1968- PS3552.E53337H54 2001 IN
Book High mobility and standdown, 1969 Smith, Charles R. (Charles Richard) 1943- Gov. D214.13:V67/969 IN
Book High-priority criminal justice technology needs. Gov.J 28.2:T 22 IN
Book High-return, low-risk investment : using stock selection and market timing Herzfeld, Thomas J. HG4551.H44 1993 OUT
Serial High rice prices? President Mori calls on FSM citizens to eat more local food
Book High road to Tokyo Bay Haulman, Daniel. Pac.D790.H372 1993 IN
Video The high school Community College connection with Dr. Dale Parcell MITC VC 99 IN
Serial The high school counselor's handbook. Gov.ED1.8:C83/2/2003-2004 IN
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