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  Title Author Call Number Status
 2 Law of the sea : the preliminary Micronesian position
Video Law of the sea treaty MITC DVD 1378 IN
Book Law of the sea zones in the Pacific Ocean Buchholz, Hanns Jurgen. Pac.JX4144.5.B86 1987 IN
Book Law of the South Pacific Hughes, Robert A. Pac.KVC219.H84 1999 IN
Book Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland Library of Congress. Ref.Z663.78.C5K3 2008 IN
 2 Law of the United States
Book Law of torts in the South Pacific Offei, Stephen. Pac.KVC236.O35 1997 IN
Book The law of war in the 21st century : weaponry and the use of force Gov.D208.207:82 IN
Book Law reform in Fiji Islands : a commentary on the proposed reforms relating to rape and to HIV/AIDS Jowitt, Anita. Pac.KVN420.2.J68 IN
 8 Law Revision Commission,
Book Law schools Ref.KF266.S79 2005 IN
Book Law, science, and the ocean Burke, William T. Pac.KZA1022.O23B87 1969 IN
eBook Law versus war Boyne, Shawn.
eBook Law vs. war competing approaches to fighting terrorism Boyne, Shawn.
Book The lawless west.
Book The lawnchair astronomer Descoteaux, Gerry. QB44.2.D48 1995 IN
Video The lawnmower man MITC VC 507 IN
Book Lawns and ground covers Crockett, James Underwood. Ref.SB433.C87 1971 IN
 2 Lawrence of Arabia
Serial Laws Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Kosrae District. Pac.KH400.K8 IN
Book Laws and Regulations : The South Sea Islands under Japanese mandate [Japan South Seas Bureau]. Pac.DU500.J35 1934 Annex IN
 15 Laws and resolutions
Serial Laws and resolutions = Annuk me tungor Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Truk District. Pac.KH400.T74.8 1978 IN
 2 Laws and resolutions, Congress of Micronesia.
Serial Laws & resolutions, Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesia (Federated States) Congress of Micronesia. Pac.KTF F32A3 1980-81 IN
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