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Book Integrated coastal and ocean management : concepts and practices Cicin-Sain, Biliana. Pac.HT391.C483 1998 IN
Book Integrated coastal management plans : critical review and recommendations for Pacific Island countries and territories Rochette, Julien, author. Pac.HT395.O3R63 2015 IN
Book Integrated coastal management plans : guidelines for Pacific Island countries and territories Comley, James, author. Pac.HT395.O3C66 2015 IN
Mixed Integrated coastal resources management and community participation in a small island setting : Natural resource management efforts on the island of Pohnpei Dahl, Christopher VerF 0510.97 Pac IN
Book Integrated coastal zone management programme for Western Samoa and Fiji Islands -- Front cover. Nunn, P.D. Pac.HT395.J3N86 1994 IN
Book Integrated environmental and economic accounting : an operational manual Doc.HA13.U5 Ser.F 78 IN
Mixed Integrated farming systems for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Chan, George L.
Book Integrated food security phase classification : technical manual version 2.0 : evidence and standards for better food security decisions. Doc.HD9000.5.I573 2012 IN
Book Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa : concepts, practices and potential FAO.SH125.A358I58 2006 IN
Book Integrated Korean : beginning 1 Ref.PL913.I58 2000 IN
Book Integrated management of ocean and coastal marine resources in the Federated States of Micronesia. Primo, L. Heidi Pac.GC1018.M5P93 1995 IN
Book Integrated management of paddy and aquatic weeds in Asia : proceedings of the International Seminar "Biological Control and Integrated Management of Paddy and Aquatic Weeds in Asia" : held in Tsukuba, Japan, October 19-25, 1992 nternational Seminar "Biological Control and Integrated Management of Paddy and Aquatic Weeds in Asia" (1992 : Tsukubashi, Japan) Pac.SB608.R5I575 1992 IN
Book Integrated mariculture : a global review FAO.SH1.F2 2009 no. 529 IN
Book Integrated mathematics CRC QA135.5.M23se 1995 No.1 IN
 2 Integrated postsecondary education data system IPEDS
Book Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areas. Pac.TJ163.25.U5I68 1987 IN
Book Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areas : draft. Pac.TJ163.25.U5I68 1986 IN
 3 Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areas : Summary.
Book Integrated social policy : from concept to practice : report II. Doc.HN656.A8I58 2008 IN
Book Integrated social policy report II : from concept to practice Doc.HN656.A8I58 2008 IN
Book Integrated social policy : visions and strategies in the ESCWA region : report III. Doc.HN656.A8I583 2009 IN
Book Integrated soil and water management for orchard development : role and importance : proceedings of the International Seminar "The role and importance of integrated soil and water management for orchard development" organized by the FAO Land and Water Development Division and the College of Agricultural Sciences, University of Teramo, Italy, 9-10 May 2004, Mosciano S. Angelo, Italy FAO.S623.I57 2005 IN
Video Integrated technology components a quick tour of stories in time. CRC VC 0068 2000 IN
Book Integrated vulnerability assessment framework for atoll islands : a collaborative approach Pac.QC903.2.P16C554 2016 IN
Mixed Integrating archaeology and ethnohistory : the development of exchange between Yap and Ulithi, Western caroline Islands Descantes, Christophe VerF.1182 Pac. IN
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