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Book Ripples of a Micronesia sea Marshall, Mac Pac.GN669.M37 1999 IN
Book Riptide Cortes, Donn PB COR 2006 IN
Book Risa Sacks ; edited by Reva Basch. Sacks, Risa, 1946- BF637.I5S22 2001 IN
Book The rise and decline of the Zairian state Young, Crawford, 1931- DT658.25.Y68 1985 IN
Book Rise and fall of American slavery. Fogel, Robert William. E441.F63 1989 IN
Book The rise and fall of the great powers : economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000 Kennedy, Paul M., 1945- D210.K46 1987 IN
Book The rise and fall of the O'ahu kingdom : a brief overview of O'ahu's history Cordy, Ross H. Pac.DU628.O3C67 2002 IN
Book The rise and fall of the Third Reich : a history of Nazi Germany Shirer, William L. (William Lawrence), 1904- DD256.5.S48 1960 IN
Book The Rise and growth of the colonial port cities in Asia Pac. HT147 A2 R57 1985 IN
Video Rise in the middle class MITC VC 1030 N IN
Book The rise of American influence in Asia and the Pacific Battistini, Lawrence Henry, 1907- Pac.DS518.8.B34 1974 IN
Book The rise of Christianity BR162.2.R56 1999 IN
Book The rise of Endymion Simmons, Dan. PS3569.I47292R5 1997 IN
Video Rise of Greek civilization MITC VC 1030 C IN
Book The rise of hatred and violence in Germany HN460.V5R57 1990 IN
Video Rise of Rome MITC VC 1030 E IN
Book Rise of Russia Wallace, Robert, 1919- DK71.W15 1967 IN
Video Rise of the Church MITC VC 1030 F IN
Book Rise of the Evening Star Mull, Brandon, 1974- CRC PZ7.M91 2008 OUT
Book The rise of "the rest" : challenges to the west from late-industrializing economies Amsden, Alice H. (Alice Hoffenberg) HC59.7.A7784 2001 IN
Video Rise of trading cities MITC VC 1030 O IN
Mixed Rising food costs Scaliger, Charles. VF 301 SCA 2008 IN
Book Rising out of poverty. HC430.R49 2006 IN
Mixed Rising prices, shrinking access. Clark, Kim. VF 343 CLA 2009 IN
Serial Rising son : Palau President Tommy Remengesau, Jr. learned early on the lesson of leadership / Giff Johnson; photos Floyd K. Takeuchi. VerF 0414.02 Pac c.1 IN
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