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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book [Metaphysical Anfangsgrunde der naturwissenschaft, English] Kant : Metaphysical foundations of natural science Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 B2786.E5F75 2004 IN
Book The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science Burt, Edwin A. (Edwin Arthur), 1892-1989 B67.B8 2002 IN
Book Metaphysics Ref.BD111.O94 2003 IN
Book Meteorite! : the last days of the dinosaurs Norris, Richard, 1959- QE506 .N79 2000 IN
Book Meteorological Service Directors meeting SPREP Meeting of Regional Service Directors (4th : 1998 : Apia, Samoa) Pac.QC993 .A1S23 1997 IN
Book Meteorology for scientists and engineers Stull, Roland B., 1950- QC861.2.S79 2000 IN
Book Meteors, meteorites, and meteoroids Spangenburg, Ray, 1939- QB741.5.S63 2002 IN
Mixed Meter in Eastern Carolinian oral literature Fischer, Jack L. (John) VerF 0572.59a Pac. IN
Book Meter : suggested activities to motivate the teaching of the metric systems Youngpeter, John M. CRC QC93.Y68 1975 IN
Book Methamphetamine initiative, grant owner's manual : a step-by-step guide to assist law enforcement agencies in carrying out an reporting on their methamphetamine initiative grant. Gov.J36.8:M56 IN
Book Methland : the death and life of an American small town Reding, Nick. HV5831.I8R43 2009 IN
Book A method for the evaluation of tourism impact in the Pacific Rajotte, Freda. Pac.DU1.C27 1978 IN
Book The method of hope : anthropology, philosophy, and Fijian knowledge Miyazaki, Hirokazu. Pac.GN671.F5M69 2004 IN
Book Methoden der meeresbiologischen Forschung. English QH91.57.A1M413 1972 IN
Book Methodological workshop on the management of tuna fishing capacity : stock status, data envelopment analysis, industry surveys and management options Methodological Workshop on the Management of Tuna Fishing Capacity (2006 : La Jolla, California) FAO.SH3.F27 2007 no.8 IN
Book Methodology for assessing the water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus in transboundary basins and experiences from its application : synthesis Roidt, Mario, author. Doc.TD255.R65 2018 IN
Book Methodology in TESOL : a book of readings PE1128.A2M47 1987 IN
Serial Methodone community education kit. Gov.HE20.402:M56 IN
Mixed Methods for determining size and sex of marketed mud crabs (Scylla serrate Forskal) and sand crabs (Portunus Pelagicus Linnaeus) in Queensland Williams, M.J. Pac.SH380.45.A8W55 1980 IN
Book Methods for studying the ecology of soil micro-organisms QR111.M56 1971 IN
Book Methods for teaching : a skills approach Jacobsen, David. LB1025.2.J318 1993 IN
Book Methods for teaching : promoting student learning Jacobsen, David (David A.) LB1025.3.J336 2002 IN
Book Methods in philosophy of education LB41.M619 2001 IN
Book Methods of air sampling and analysis. Intersociety Committee. TD890.I53 1972 IN
Book Methods of communication planning P95.815.M49 1985 IN
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